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Posts posted by stan_rifken

  1. The Ebay dealer of folding cameras that you refer to, "Certo6", is Jurgen Kreckel. When you buy a camera from him it has been cleaned, resored and recalibrated.


    He also replaces old bellows with new ones, freshly made of colored leather. Some of his offerings have had the old, worn chrome removed to create lovely brass instruments.


    The extra cost of his cameras comes with the guarantee that everything is in perfect working order.


    You can get cheaper folding cameras, ususally described on Ebay as "looks to be in mint condition, but I don't know much about cameras", but then you might have to find the craftsman to upgrade it from "paper-weight" grade to usable camera.


    You can read about his work at:www.foldingcameras.com/articles.htm., clicking on "Medium Format In Your Pocket".

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