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Posts posted by raul

  1. <p>Hey guys, I'm leaning towards the G12... but I just saw this Sony NEX-5K, I know is more expensive... but anyone has any comment on it? This attracts me:</p>



    <p><dt>"Background Defocus" Control</dt><dd>Cameras with APS-C sensors take beautiful pictures because they can blur the background. That helps make your subject stand out as the center of attention in portrait photography. But you've had to know about aperture f-stops and shutter speeds. Now Sony makes it easy. Simply turn the Control Wheel one way for backgrounds in focus, the other for background defocus.</dd></p>


  2. <p>Really I don't worry about all the extras. My previous camera, a canon elan 7e, had only one lens, something like the Tamron 28-300, and a IR remote control (cheap), and the usual UV filter and a circular polarizer, that was all.<br>

    I don't like to carry a lot of lens and stuff... both my grandparents were photographers (with dark room and all) and I know how out of hand all can be. I still have old stuff around my home.<br>

    I really would choose the G12, love the design, the controls... but I look and look and can't see a use of DOF in any G11-12 picture... all nice and sharp... and faking DOF in photoshop is so not funny...<br>

    But I also think that I will be unimpressed with the rebel... or maybe not? <br>

    Sheess... this is hard.</p>

  3. <p>Looks like for the kind of photos I want to take, the rebel with lens are better... but I have the feeling that the G12 have better controls than the Rebel? Or is just me?<br>

    Can I buy the body alone and look for another lens? In B&H looks that the Rebel XS comes only with a lens, not body alone.<br>

    Well, Amazon have the body alone, but not a lot of savings, like $70.<br>

    Any comment on Tamron telephoto lenses?</p>

  4. <p>Mmm... John, I won't put much faith in that future, really!<br>

    I had my mind fixed in the G12... I see that it also captures good video, while the Rebel can't.<br>

    Is there a way to search in the gallery for pictures taken with a particular camera?</p>

    <p>If brand is not a limitation, what other camera will enter the options pool? What about all this new 3/4 mirrorless cameras?</p>

  5. <p>Hi,<br>

    For years my wife and I had SLR, she a Nikon, I a Canon, but it's been long since we used film and now we have a simple point and shoot, and we miss terribly a SLR, or something more pro than a Coolpix.<br>

    I'm seriously thinking on getting a G11 or 12, love the designs and dials... but she want something more like a traditional camera, big lens, etc... so in that price range I find the Rebel. I know the big difference is the possibility of changing lens, but truth be told, I'll buy one lens and that will be all.<br>

    How well one can control depth of field on a G12? That is something really important to me.<br>

    So really I'm looking for some advice, I'm kind of lost.<br>

    What would you recommend in the $500 price range?</p>

    <p>Thanks in advance.</p>


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