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Image Comments posted by richardknox



    Very nice high key photo. But the obvious implication that the model is wearing no bottom works counter to the rest of the photo for me. But maybe that intrigue or reversal of the norm was your intent...



    I really like the completeness of your composition with the title which captures your creative intent. Creating the mask from your "top model" with the tools of her trade softly represented behind is nice. The triptic layout/cropping is perfect. Nice work.

    Yucca one

    From the thumbnail I thought I was going to see an acquatic creature of some sort with wavy tenticals... but you've captured a desert plant in the most original way. Strong, deep black and perfect highlights -- masterful image.

    Color Ring

    I noticed several of your out-of-focus shots over the weekend and to me they use that convention with no obvious purpose (other than to experiment with random color fields). This one could be a beautiful background for an in-focus object in the foreground.


    Not too much for me...nice job. You might try some color (gold/brown?)in the flower centers too. I have tried one b&w/color manipulation in PS myself (Descanso on Interstate 10). It's in my single photo folder. Keep experimenting.

    Drift Log

    Beautiful exposure and overall composition. The only very small thing is the small opening that we seem to be able to see through in the upper right. A slight camera adjustment to the left might have eliminated that small distractor. The blacks and wood texture are so nice I don't my focus to be pulled up to that little "window."


    A beautiful abstract image, like a crystal reflecting the sky or glass mirror doors opening from inside a pyramid. What a surprise to learn that there was no PS manipulation involved -- very original, skilled work.
  1. The mood and composition of this image are striking. Although there is strong editorial intent behind the image, it would be interesting to compare a version with just a bit more light on the right side of the face to separate the man from the dark sky slightly, and with some PS dodging on the eyes to give them more prominence.
  2. The subject matter has a mysterious quality that benefits from the lush green foliage and overcast light. I like the expansive feel that the green area in the background conveys, but if your goal is to emphasize the antiquity of the markers, maybe you have to sacrifice the long view for a tighter shot with more detail. Picking the essential elements to tell a story is always a challenge. As is, this shot succeeds in making me want to look closer and see more.
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