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Greg Pichnej

PhotoNet Pro
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Image Comments posted by Greg Pichnej

  1. Answer for Larry Greenbaum: Thank you for your comment and question. All the images posted from "California Dreaming" album are of quick proof quality done on a laptop during this current photo excursion. When I return home to my "real" machine with calibrated monitor, the better ones will be re-worked. In short, there will be colour tone and saturation correction. I use PhotoNet as an online location of photos for friends. Sometimes  "snap shots" of no particular technical or artistic merit get posted all to the annoyance of some visitors (not you) to my portfolio presented here. I was an official professional photographer a long time ago. Now I take pictures for my own enjoyment.



    Clear northern air, massive majestic geographic dimensions without

    cars or houses makes it hard to appreciate how big, BIG can really



    Thanks for stopping.

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