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Greg Pichnej

PhotoNet Pro
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Image Comments posted by Greg Pichnej



    Excellent capture on so many levels - mood, composition, depth of field. If the bird happened in reality, a very lucky capture requiring Ninja reflexes, if added with Photoshop, very artistic. Either way, your capture is a winner! BTW, in my world, the effective use of Photoshop to convey a story is a talent unless of course you are a police, insurance or news photographer. 

    150716-64 S


    Thanks Robert and Gail for your comments and input. On the off chance that there may be thoughts that this shot was Photoshopped but not overworked... I'll take that as a compliment. This is pretty much straight out of the camera, as was shot.  

  1. Hello Gail, You are correct, this is a re-post but this time a 'cleaned up' final portfolio version. I'm glad that you mentioned about convex mold impression. It is just how your brain is thinking at the moment you look at the image. Take another look and you may see it as a regular depression mold.

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