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Image Comments posted by ken_rexach


    I could do without the cheesy border and drop shadow. As much as i think most bird photos lack originality and basically most compositions are overly done there is something refreshing about this cardinal perched on that plant with unque leaves. The pic could use tighter cropping and as with all typical bird pics it has to be tack sharp to be effective.

    The old oak

    could do without the border. contrary to popular belief fancy borders dont guarantee a higher rating. i like the subject. that tree has a distinctive look . cropping and framing is good too. the dreamy soft effect is so so but somewhat works and so do the warmish colors. but pic is a little too flat still.


    cool idea, technically the pic lacks a lot in sharpnessand composition isnt totally clear but its a good try. maybe you shoulved moved closer to the person and with a wider angle.
  1. w/ the lens you were using (wideangle) it woulve been best to get closer to the white pieces since the foreground is too plain in your composition, lacks any interest. good spot but coulve been a lot better, potential was there
  2. I like the shot composition. BUT this type of image has to be pretty sharp to be most effective and yours isnt for some reason. maybe is the jpg compression or something i dont know. is the original sharp? Also, contrast in the sky could be harder to emphasize the storminess in the clous. the road looks great.



    Ann: the model is spectacular. I like the lighting also, very hot :) The composition i would like to be either tighter or with more space.


    The image quality is not there, maybe the problem is the jpg or something you did in photoshop? Would love to see something closer to the original.


    La modelo esta espectacular. La pose y la luz me encantan pero la calidad de la imagen no esta muy buena y desmerece tal vez eso es culpa de algo que hiciste en photoshop o cuando digitalisastes la foto o algo. :(

    The Wave

    very nice pic aesthetics, BUT That place has been photographed thousands of times from that spot and with all kinds of equipment, color/b&w, with most compositions being about the same. So not much for originality.
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