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Image Comments posted by rdubay


    I do like this. Such sites are still two months away here in Maine. What distract and misdirects your eye is the very shallow depth of field: only a few buds are really in sharp focus. A shot like this succeeds or falls short on this one factor. Your camera is probably like the majority of small digital pocket cams in that it has no manual aperture control, but to increase the amount of in-focus buds, try stepping back and take the shot again. You can then crop the wider angle shot to match this pleasing compositon.
  1. Liberty Tool's (inexpensive, manly antiques) famous "Rites of Spring"

    2007 season opening day. Small gathering because of blistering cold

    and heavy snow the night before. I tried my hand at simulating

    sepiatone and like the vintage effect on this matter-of-fact snapshot-

    - the 21st century vehicles and porta-potties notwithstanding.

    Splash #8

    Quicksilver and cork...that's the first impression I had when I looked at it. Really an interesting, abstract and absorbing shot. Would make a good cover for an "Elements of Topology" textbook. Sepia-ish cast works well. Jolly good show!
  2. Was on the wide end of my zoom, eqivalent to 35mm lens on a 35mm camera. I tried to tilt the whole thing vertical in PS, but it cropped out too much good stuff.

    If I recall there is also a Rubensque nude on the adjoining wall! I may try to shoot George again. I think he's still there. Thanks for the comment ;)


    I like it a lot, also. If you shot it originally in color, that might be interesting to see, too. The Dutch take good care of their bikes- most of these are from the '70s!

    Stray cats Nr. 2

    I'd like to see you do more of these street cats. Street breeding has given him a rather motley color scheme, but he is a quite handsome fellow and isn't about to take guff from anyone! Thanks.
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