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Posts posted by hamish

  1. I suspect that what we are seeing is a point where the company's "Adminstrators", who are enacting a management role under Chapter 11 type rules, are managing it into a position that it becomes saleable, and have only just got to grips with rationalising the product line, invoices, creditors, debtors etc.


    http://www.ilford. com/html/us_english/pr/PR_GT.html


    http://www.ilford. com/html/us_english/Employment.html


    gaps between dot and com.


    Still positive news generally - it means bean counter accountants believe that their is hope!

  2. I just bracket and review using the histogram until i think i have the exposure sorted nad then stick in manual. The biggest problem I have encountered is manual focus in low light with the screen not as bright as, say, an FM3A that i was using before. I am now actually looking to buy another AI/AIS lens and a probably a small meter to stick on the flash shoe.


    The fact that people are trading in high quality manual lenses because they think they cant use them on Digi SLRs is great news as far as I am concerned!


    Here are two shots taken with it:<div>00AdwF-21188384.jpg.d5f056b3779138d9f6524410b4a7d252.jpg</div>

  3. Good luck ! How about Alfredo, dimunitive Fredo, after the young boy in Cinema Paradiso. He looks like a short haired Dachshund, one of the finest, most loyal hunting dogs there could be, loyal, stubborn, courageous to the point of foolhardiness etc (disobedient, solitary etc). Careful training will provide ample rewards; be very careful of back problems -NO stairs.


    Here is an eleven year cousin:<div>00A3dA-20377484.jpg.54cfda876d991c681204f435fd61dc0d.jpg</div>

  4. if sharpness with slow lenses is a big deal to you, and you want to immerse yourself in a different "style" from SLRs from the off then consider the Bessa T very seriously. When I began RF type shooting i got very into the wides, so external vfinders become the norm anyway; the "shotgun" 2 eyed shooting style is great for candids; the external meter frees you to survey the scene and from the eye to viewfinder checking; the rf effective base is very decent - check cameraquest; m-mount; great back-up body if you "upgrade"; post bessa r build quality (to my mind); all for c. $200 - this has got to be the killer value in entry level rf right now.


    Good luck!

  5. I bought Nikon from B&H and as far as I can recall the best priced product was Hong kong imported anyway. Never had a problem with it (FM3A) so never needed the warranty.


    I also succesfully bought from Keh.com and had it mailed to me at an address in NYC so I could use it when I got there (2nd Ais lenses). Very good value relative to the UK!

  6. "I'm guessing that an R2A would approach $1000 at introduction, and drop to $700 over about 2 years. Any other guesses" -


    no way - not with the FM3A at c. $500 and a bunch of Cosina/voigtlander unsold AIS that fits it. IMHO.


    or indeed relative to CLE prices.


    I think it comes around FM3a prices MRRP and significantly cheaper through cameraquest. Why? the body is effectively a free platform with which to stimulate an addiction for glass - I know 'cos I got it!

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