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Image Comments posted by michael_schirmer

    Imprisoned Spirit


    If people need to hang this on their wall, i guess they have suicidal tendencies. Aestetics is a matter of ones opinion. If you can't handle that people don't like your aesthetic value then find a place that will.


    Only remarking above on the comments.


    And awesome photo is all in the eyes of the beholder. If you want to market to the Gothic people, this might work. If you want to market to a general audience, then this probably won't. But photography is like a painting. Every person hangs what they like up, whether its disturbing or whether its it feels you with love.





    Allegro Vivace


    This at first glance looks like just a picture of a pond/lake just somewhere and could be taken by anyone.


    But nope. Not anyone could take this picture. Such a simple photo, in some ways, that just keeps me looking at it. That watter makes it almost look like there were mountains in the distance. The detail is great. I love photos like this. Thanks for posting it.


    .....Im still looking at it.


    I agree with Mike E. The Swan has no where to go. Its heading down and its about to leave the picture. Water looks to grainy to me. Maybe a little too early/late in the day for this water photo.
  1. Illusional. I think the leaf brings size and color to the tile. It certainly made me stop and examine it awhile. Good lighting. And i guess the right time of season for the shot. I don't think it would have captured me with a green leaf.
  2. flowing lines. It makes me want to go beyond and discover what is around the corner. It draws me in. A sense of awe. A sense of mystery. A sense of beauty. It seems a soft, but i stll give you a high grade.

    Dallas Mural

    As many have said, Great juxtaposition! I like how the shadow of the boy seems to fit the placement of the sun, appearing to make the boy seem like a figure in front of the wall. Ive seen that boy and never would have thought of doing something like that. Great Job!
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