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m lane

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Posts posted by m lane

  1. <p>I need a good professional paper that is 9mil or under. I am using a five year old Hp D 7160 vivera inkjet printer. Do not have the option currently to change the printer, no money. It is finicky about the mil of the paper. Once in a while I can coax a sheet or two of ten mil through. I still need a good paper that will be impressive enough that it draws attention away from the fact that is not a heavey paper. Please help, I am serious! I have looked and I just do not know the quality of some of these papers. Burned too many times on the internet.</p>
  2. <p>The idea on the disk is a really good one. Wal-Mart will not print from disks if you can not prove that you are the copyright owner or you have permission to have the reprint done.<br>

    I have wondered about how to do the copyright authorization for those wanting a disk rather than actual photos.<br>

    M Lane</p>

  3. <p>I am thankful for all the help offered on this sight. I have a naging question that needs an answer.<br>

    When a member downloads a photo and critiques it, rather cleans it up to show you how it would look and what it would look like cleaned up, outside of trust, what protects your copyright and the information metedated that goes with your photo.<br>

    I am thankful of the critique, don't get me wrong, but when I checked the photo that was cleaned up and ran it through the Bridge in CS4 the metedata was no longer showing, my copyright information was not on the photo either.<br>

    Knit picking maybe, trust issue-comes with time, I just wanted to know because all the literature speaks of filling out the metedata so that it goes with the photo. If it can be dropped so easily then it is not worth the paper it is written on.<br>

    M Lane</p>

  4. I want to know what captioning is and how it is different from Title or Lable that is populating these pages of information

    everyone wants the photohrapher to fill in?

    This question isounds scattered, how ever if you are new to filling in some of the forms that come with these programs you

    are asked for no less than three different names for a photo. This is all confusing and hard to understand. In oine place

    they want a title for the picture. In an other place on the samepace they want a caption and just down the sheet they want a

    lable. I have looked and I have looked for a place that explans all of this and have not found any thing to give the answer. I

    am not dumb or without knowledge, but I feel as if I am. Please Help!

    M Lane Studio. (Lightroom and Paint Shop Pro both do this. It is in the EXIF, metadata info area of these programes.)

  5. I am running a Compac Presario with an AMD Athlon 64x2 Dual Core Processor 4000+ 2.10 GHz machine. I am looking to

    buy CS3 and need more information on upgrading my windows vista program to the 64 bit version. I have the ablility to

    install 4 gig of ram running a 32 bit windows, and up to 8 gig if I run a 64 bit windows. The question I have is do I need the

    64 bit windows to run CS3 if I can install more ram.


    M Lane

  6. Thank you all. I loved all responses. I wasn't out to get anyone, just wanted to know what the whole thing meant. I haven't seen it before and didn't know if it would be somethng I would see on all lenses. I have nothing aginst Cannon, I just ended up with a Minolta and now an Alpha because of said Minolta. Thank you for all respones!

    M Lane

  7. Thanks, my image stabilization is on the camera body. You see I have an alpha 100. It has been a very long time since I have had any thing to do with a cannon product.. I was reading about a lens on one of the forums and could not understand what IS was.

    M Lane

  8. Hey guys, I have a Fs-1100 and it looks like the one George bought on ebay. I have had mine since 1992 or 1993 for my 3xi maxxium (Minolta), then I bought another little gizmo to plug lights in to for flash setups. If this fits the Alpha then all should work, maybe?

    M Lane

  9. I have a Sigma 70-300 that works af manuel lens that works very well with my Apha 100. I used it on a Minolta 3xi. This lens it the ultra compact lens Sigma came out with in the late 80' and early 90's. I have read most of the lenes made after a time in the 80's for the Minolta cameras shold work. I held my breath until I got my DSLR and tried both my 50mm and the telephoto.<div>00LcVd-37120684.JPG.ca00f118636caf24a02808495e76860b.JPG</div>
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