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Image Comments posted by tholte

  1. I used a Lee Filter graduated ND filter over a Lee Little Stopper for a longer exposure to blur the water. I use LR/PS and have the NIK plug in. I bring the photos into LR where I straighten the horizon and maybe use the dehaze feature. I export to PS where I crop, get rid of dust spots etc. I then use the NIK plug in often using the ND graduated filter, glamour glow to changed the white balance, polarizing filter if required, silver effex to convert to BW and then vivenza to add or subtract contrast/brightness, saturation. It sounds like work but I usually spend about ten minutes max on an image. I will go back to an image weeks or months later if I discover some way to improve an image. It is extremely fun and therapeutic to mess around with an image I like. Of course, it works much better if the original image is properly exposed and bathed in good light.
  2. Hi Wayne and thanks for the comment. I usually don't go in the water, at least I don't try to. This winter has been great for the ice which I have been concentrating on. Slipping and falling is the biggest danger, especially seeing as though I am not as young as I used to be.
  3. Thanks Patrick!  I like this image because I took it with my Olympus Tough TG-4 point and shoot.  I like it also because, as a viewer on a FB group noticed, my name is visible in the top right under WAG.  The sculptor that did this came under fire last year because a viewer noted some anti-Semitic words scattered about.  The sculptor had it shipped back to his studio and removed the offending words.



    Radu always seems to come up with interesting photos. Some like them and some don't appreciate his style. I appreciate the fact that he is constantly experimenting and willing to get his work shown to the public, unlike many of the critics here and elsewhere.

  4. Jack, I was driving down a city street and saw this guy walking in some nice light and got out and fired off a few shots.  I saw the question mark and made sure I had a some of him in the same frame with the ? 

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