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Image Comments posted by bluekorn


    Love this one. Words to describe? only seem to disturb the serene beauty of this image. I would be very proud of this picture were it one that I had captured. I'm curious to know the focal length. Thanks. Keep up the good play.



    Banded elements. I like this photo Randy. Love the grass/sky contrast in the harsh light. This might be a photo to repeat at various times of the day, of the year.



    I like the photo very much minus the skull and the scratches. I have a problem in my own work with the issue of what to include, what not to include. I have this problem with landscape photos. How much context is necessary. It seems to me, and this is probably obvious to all of you, that this is one of the fundamental challenges of every photograph. When is enough too much? At any rate Arian, nice work!

    it is life




    Is this person someone you know? I may be wrong but I think I see someone keenly aware of the camera and someone not unhappy at all about having his picture taken. Can you shed some light on your relationship to this individual?


    I want to throw out this preachy tidbit. I know a seventy six year old mother who has cared for her son who has never walked and is now forty six years bedridden. He was "supposed to die" when he was three or four years old according to his attending physician decades ago. If his picture was posted here and his mother caught wind of the "how sad" comments, she would be outraged. Her son knows love. To know love is not sad.


    I know that I personally have to be very careful of what I project onto other human beings. To say "how sad", without knowing the man in the photo, could easily put closesure on the subject and end the possibility of engagement. "How sad" is often the easy way out.


    Thanks Tony.





    From a presentation of nine photos attempting to capture alluring

    abstractions at a construction site. Learning and wanting to learn

    more. I appreciate all constructive comments. Thank you.



    From a presentation of nine photos attempting to capture alluring

    abstractions at a construction site. Learning and wanting to learn

    more. I appreciate all constructive comments. Thank you.

  1. I am very attracted to the quality of light on the mushrooms themselves and the soft shade beneath. I think this was a good choice of subject at this time of day. If I were to be critcal, and you need to take this witha grain of salt as I'm qualified only by my interest as a hobbiest, I would ask for a little more of the crumbling earth from which the mushrooms emerged, a little more of the foreground. I like very much the angle of view you have given, the way the caps perch just above our line of sight. This angle gives me a playful feeling, a feeling of fantasy. I do wonder what the picture would have looked like had you chosen to eliminate the open sky? This may not have been possible. If the same quality of light were on the mushrooms and the background didn't tug at the eye in the bright spots the scene would be very dramatic. I know how hard it would be to get underneath for the angle and also to eliminate the sky. I like the composition you chose for the group, almost like a family. One last bit of criticism that is perhaps altogether personal. The dark vertical in the background is distracting to me. It is certainly properly out of focus but rises directly out of the small cap that is a part of your featured subject. I would like to have seen the front edge of the leading mushroom sharply in focus, a little deeper depth of field. Overall this is a very nicely composed shot in exquisite light. Thank you.
  2. I love this piece. It transcends photography. I could spend a long while with it before I even began to think about it's photographic qualities. Very funny, pithy and vague at the same time. Who is this guy bathed in hallowed light that stands surrounded by these absurd choices. The "splendid" uniform of male power seems so misplaced, as to suggest smugness (when you know you're a hammer everything looks like a nail) and at the same time it seems obvious he couldn't possibly know what to do next in this bleak terrain. Great wit. Caricature indeed!


    How is this put together? Is the figure added in photoshop somehow? I don't want to criticize but it seems like his shadow should be a little darker.



    I haven't yet acquired Photo Elements to work with and have used

    Picasa to develop my photos. I know the clouds are burned out but

    beyond this obvious shortcoming I'd appreciate any comments. Thank you.




    I submitted this, my first submission, having cropped the image to a

    smaller size. This is the uncropped version. I like the image and I

    don't know if I should be as uncomfortable with all the dark space as

    I am? Specifically, do you have any suggestions about cropping this

    image and secondarily, I'm open to any and all criticism. Thank you.

    Peter Van Dyken

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