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Image Comments posted by bexta

  1. Thanks David for your comment and upload of your version of lighting. However perhaps it may be the difference in monitor lighting, because your edited version looks way to light, making the black bangle blotchy green. I guess you were trying to blow the white bangle out as much as possible so that it blended in with the white background? Thanks for sharing.

    My Lil' Princess

    Oh this is an absolute gorgeous photo, Something that this little girls family would definitely have framed in their house. Your artist signature compliments the image as well. Thanks for sharing.

    Under rain

    Theres something very intense and discomforting about this image, but powerful on the other hand because of it. The eyes and strong lighting perhaps dipict this womans character. Interesting image. Thankyou for sharing.
  2. It is a nice view but I am struggling to find the focus point other than the zig zag of the hills in the distance. The framing with the trees work well, especially with the golden affect from the suns rays. Thankyou for sharing.


    Interesting atmosphere, very unusual. I almost expect a space ship to land in the middle or something. This photograph poses as an imaginative narrative. Thanks for sharing.



    Your editing has made what may appear to be a boring photo into a very old cartoon drawing style. Interesting perception. Thanks for sharing.



    Unusual framing, interesting black and white soft tones however. The blur in the back ground works well, allows us to focus on the little girl and her gesture.


    Heya, I understand your approach to make this image very mystical as such, I just think perhaps you need to tone down the white glows just a tad, just to give it a little more realistic approach. Thanks for sharing!


    I think theres something about the framing of this image that just doesnt fit right. HOWEVER, that saying, I like the fact that you have challenged how the viewer looks at your subject. Its quiet intriguing. The image seems a bit flat also, however it gives it a more older style feel to it. It almost reminds me of Man Ray's photographs for some reason. Thanks for sharing.
  3. I really like this shot! I am currently studying graphic design, and have learn't a lot about Modernity and the Modernism Movement in the 1920's which was driven in Germany by the Bauhaus (in my opinion). Modern designs were constructed of geometrical shapes and form, simple and clean. I just find this very interesting the abstract forms still used today in architect that you have noticed and embraced. The only difference here is that I think this contrasts against the asymmetrical designs originally used to break from the Romanticism Period. I'm not sure if that all makes sense, or is worth the read, but I appreciate you sharing your perspective.





    This is a night shot. When taking this, I set my camera up on tripod

    in the shadow of the tree (formed by a night lamp post behind it).

    Then I left the shutter open for about a 30 second exposure, running

    around with my hand held flash gun, dispersing multiple flashes

    throughout the branches.



    Hope this info helps! Thankyou very much for taking the time to view,

    rate and critique. This was a very fun shoot!




    Thanks for your reply. May I ask though, what is USM? I dont know whether that is a Canon term or just a general one? I shoot with a Nikon. Thanks again.

    Animal Art


    I shot a series of shots like this for a exhibition assessment. Its of

    a water bird, which kept posing for attention. Every time I would put

    my camera down to stop shooting, this bird would flap its wings

    vigorously to get my attention. Thanks for viewing/rating/commenting.

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