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Posts posted by catherine_byrd

  1. Greetings!


    I have a Nikkor-T*ED 600mm (800/1200) with Copal 3 shutter to sell and am

    trying to determine what someone might pay for it (on eBay, etc.). It's

    mounted on a Sinar board with a rear lens element. It's in excellent condition.

    I can't seem to find another one for sale for comparison. What should I be

    asking for this?


    Thanks for your help!



  2. I recently inherited a Contaflex IV in nice condition except, of

    course, for the leaf shutter. Know of anyone in the U.S. who can

    repair this? Henry Scherer apparently doesn't work on these

    cameras at this time. Is it true that they are too complex/too costly

    to repair and therefor not worth it? I understand they do have nice



    Thanks for your advice!

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