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nathan turner

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Image Comments posted by nathan turner


    Very nice, caught my eye immediatley. Just wonder about the large swath of black on the top/left of the picture. It seems very heavy, although the white bottom edge kind of balances it out. I think I'd like to see some detail come out of that are though. Good work.


    I very much like the form here. Although usualy the large amount of black on the right would be bad, I think it balances the image nicely. There is a very strong vertical element in the center top portion of the cross and I'm not sure if it's just me seeing things or if it was intended.
  1. Is this edited? Only reason I ask is because of the cloud formation. If not, excellent, the reds of the figures bounce off the page against the rich sky. The dust churned up by their feet also link with the wispyness of the clouds in the sky.
  2. I like the composition vertically, but the top edge might be a bit too dark. The dogs are nice, too bad they couldn't spread themselves out more. Maybe i'm just thinking Beatles album, but anyway. Also, I'm not sure what the vertical stripes are running through the image, perhaps scan artifacts?

    Barn, Brownsmead

    Love the sepia tone, fits the theme of the picture. The only negative I see is that the barn has a spoky illumination at its center while the edges fall off to darkness. Probably a flash effect, if not I apologize for that assumption.
  3. I like the gradient of colors and how they wrap back around to the original hue from bottom to top. Colors are fabulous. I would maybe have turned the camera so the center was in the valley between the island and mainland, -OR- turned it more out to see. I don't like the island being in the center, but not quite in the center.


    Beutiful colors. The orange tree especially stands out and I love it. It's nice how it really sold the picture. It's hard to believe this is a real photo unless you've seen things like this yourself. Beautiful work.
  4. I took this picture spot metering my daughter, but inadvertanley blew

    out the window. I actually like the effect although unplanned for.

    I wanted to find out others opinions on it.


    Sorry, couldn't figure out how to re-list it under portraits so I had

    to re-request it. Sorry for the confusion.

    Top Gun

    Aesthetically I think this image is very pleasing and what I like about it is that I feel that if I even breathe I will disturb this perfectly serene water. It's amazing that you captured this stillness. Wonderful!
  5. I really want to know how you were able to get both the rider, and fore ground detail both in focus. I like the effect a lot, it creates a tension between the organic shapes on the bottom of the screen and the simplistic shapes formed by the sillouettes of the people. I also very much like the 2 to 1 ratio you've framed it in.
  6. interesting! I feel that is makes a nice abstract, but perhaps the composition isn't quite right. I just seems a bit off center. I don't mean center the subject, just move it around a bit. I do like the play of colors though!
  7. Nice composition, the perspective of the steps as they turn the corner is nice. The fact that you get the detail of the steps in the foreground, allows you mind to fill in the gaps further back. I'd love to see the full size image of this. Might a little too dark, but that's just my impression


    Wonderful detail of the water on the surface. I love the way you've "painted" with light. Something I would hang on display. I especially like the way the rear drops are catching the specular of your light source, it gives you a semi-sillouette(sp?) of the apple.


    I agree, very sad feeling, the blues emphasize this. Compositionally seems heavy on the right. Maybe if the, boards, for lack of a better term, were moved to the left a bit to bring the left side of the image into the composition.
  8. I took the photo and did a Levels adjustment to it to increase the amount of space used in the Histogram. (aka more complex way to brighten) and found that the blue filled the sky very nicely. The town becomes VERY visible, and overall the photo becomes more balanced. Very nice photo, just some color correction needed!


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