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Image Comments posted by steven_gorelik

    Dusk in Stockholm


    Stockholm is the city that seems to be proud of the fact that it can

    get really cold. There is a culture of ice: ice bar, people walking

    on ice separating the islands, and finally this statue in the city

    center. Would love to hear your opinion about the picture.



    rest stop


    This picture was taken on my recent trip to Copenhagen. To be honest

    i was overall dissapointed with the commercialization of the old

    part of the city. It was tought to find anything without a

    commercial in it. However on the side street i found this street

    still. Would love to hear your opinion.

  1. This photo was taken on a drive up Route 1 from Santa Barbara to San

    Francisco. The drive probably took us twice as long as it should

    have just because we had to stop, admire the sights, and take

    pictures like this one. What i like the most about this photo is the

    clouds which were starting right at water's edge.


    Would love to hear your opinion.

  2. Pablo,


    Thank you for your comment. I definitely agree that in today's busy world it is tough to find a landscape that would show no signs of civilizations. Grand canyon is one of my favorite places just for that reason. It is nature at its best without any human alterations.

  3. This picture was taken on a hike down through Grand Canyon. Unlike

    other pictures from the trip which emphasized the grandeur of the

    landmark, i really like this picture picture because of the

    combination of living and dead nature which in my opinion have

    created a very compelling combination.


    Would love to hear your opinion.

    Window View


    On a hike up the Lower Fall trail in the Yosemite National Park i

    took a moment to stop and rest. When i looked back i was amazed on

    what i was able to see through a break in the bushes. A mountain

    perfectly fraimed by the bushes in my opinion was the best picture

    that i was able to take in Yosemite.


    I would love to hear your opinion

  4. I found this peaceful alley right off the main street of French

    quarter. To me it represented a wondeful contrast with the craziness

    of the main street. Please let me know what you think

  5. This photo has been taken on my trip over the Golden Ring of Russia.

    For some reason the view of an old church and the car which is almost

    as old brought seemed more like a picture from 1950's rather than

    21st century.

    Please let me know what you think.



    This photo is more of an accident. I was trying to forward the film

    but it turned out to be one of my favorite photos from the trip.

    Please let me know what you think.

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