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Image Comments posted by tabb


    I'm not sure how you spell it as I have only heard it said, but this is a kon-ker-ront. he is a mythical character that causes trouble throughout Senegal. Often people will dress entirely covered in grass to act as the conkerant...if there are rumors that he has been causing trouble in your area you better lock your door at night.

    Low Rider


    I took several photos of this guy yesterday...unfortunately all of them his hair and the tree

    trunk behind him are indistinguishable...I see him around quite often though, I think there

    is a lot of potential for some nice photos. Any thoughts?


    Absolutely wonderful! I have never seen a skateboard photo that took me like this one did. The bright light is unfortunate, but sometimes action shots get an element that you can't deny was there. I love the fact that I can make out shoes in the bottom corner of the photograph. I'm still trying to imagine what happened after the flash fired as I see one hand follows an s path toward the camera and the other hand seems to go straight up into the air.


    I really like this shot. do you have consistent access to this shot. i.e. is it an office or home window you took this from? If so I would be very interested to see what it would look like at a more busy time of the day. I love the blurry sploches that come from people on the move, but I didn't notice them right away. I wonder how it would look if you had a few more individuals rushing in different directions.

    Sacramento River

    I generally refrain from comment on flowing water long exposure shots. But this one feel s different to me, and I really enjoy the flowing blue water, broken only by the solid rocks. I think it is a nice use of colors to make a common style of photo have a dramatic flair, albeit a very mellow drama.



    I like this photo because of the way it almost looks like a model. the tree to the left seems

    almost fake to me. Does it give you this impression?

  1. I think every person in this photo adds to the scene...it reminds me of the Seurat painting of the people on the beach. While I agree a lot of photos have to many distracting subjects...I find the each person/group in this photo to be well defined, and make for a nice summer scene. I love it because it goes against some of the conventional wisdom of subject. Great job.



  2. Just to add to the originality discussion, I have seen this type of image(although I can't produce evidence) never in reference so specifically to Homeland security though. But I do have a friend who has a barcode w/ his SSN underneath tatooed on his shoulder. And I actually saw a tatoo in my neighborhood in just about this location on a kid with spikey hair and lots of leather clothing. I assume in a similar sort of protest.


    I do feel as though I have seen this in the media before...I want to say on the 1980's TV series Max Headroom imagery like this was used.


    Here are some links to blogs that refer to folks that have this very tatoo:





    Read this last one, apparently the pop star Pink has a barcode on her neck:





    Portrait of a bride. This makeup is pretty standard for Snegalese weddings, I was however

    surprised by the color scheme as I had only seen this makeup ever done in blue and white


  3. Michael I don't think your photos take any dignity away from your subjects, but there is a dichotomy in your photo selection for your portfolio. Have you noticed that you have many happy laughing white folks, and serious "primitive" people. Which brings me to another problem. While you may be using the word primitive correctly, the definitions of the word include an "unsophisticated individual". I am certain you do not intend this meaning, but because of the broad definition of the word to some this is the way it comes across. We get enough of this type of language from National Geographic...which for some reason seems to often be considered a gold standard for us all to live up to. Sure they have excellent photography, but I'm not sure they portray the world the way it is. I don't mean to pick on you Michael, but I lived in a rural african village for a couple of years, and if anybody referred to them as primitive I would have to take serious issue with the use, my guess is the situation here is similar.
  4. MIchael, I agree with most this is a well executed beautiful photo. But I can't shake this nagging urge to agree with David just a little when I look further into your portfolio. Even you say not to judge by our yardstick, and yet your portfolio perpetuates the sterotypes you are trying to deny in your comment. Remember that each picture is worth a thousand words. And here in the US where our attention span is about 50 words we generally get most of our information from the pictures, make sure they tell the story.


    Is it the bridge? Get your feet wet and go get a picture of the bridge. Is it the creek? Get down there and frame the creek without interfering branches. As is there is nothing to grab your interest in this photo.
  5. in an old burnt out house in the middle of now here, the peri meter enormous boxwoods,

    the ant erior regal posterior pallacial. and the inter ior burnt to a crisp years ago when a

    log rolled out of the fire place and onto the floor. here lovers met, and later married,

    children played and lived in the bell tower. She is not there now but perhaps her footsteps

    can still be heard, as she decsends these steps with grace.

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