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Image Comments posted by matt_l.1


    Beautiful shot my friend! The central composition is wonderful... as is the expression and the light falling around the walls is great. I hope all is well with you! Ciao
  1. Hey dude - i'd love to go through these pictures with you in person sometime. Quick thoughts on this one -- i think the film you used was not balanced for the lighting here ... way too much blue. The varying verticals from the left and center columns is disconcerting. I think you were going for the dichotomy between the OR and the person on the right walking away ... but i think we're too far away (and the people are cutoff). Also, what does the composition, including the stuff on the left, the open doors and the general 'away from the action' add to the shot? what do you want that to say? Just stuff to think about :)


    Don't breach your artistic integrity by going along with someone else on something when you don't feel that way yourself! ;) All i can say about this discrepancy is... every person has his or her expectations and preferences in photography.


    I would argue that it was a quite effective choice -- i really like the square perspective to the bird and the tilted background certain gives a more 'natural' flight appearance. A very nice shot that is a nice step above your earlier shots of seagulls.. tis a shame you didn't get the whole bird in the shot. (ps -- did you notice the pattern of ratings you got on this one? look at the originality ratings.... steps).


    Some very nice shots you have -- the subtle coloring effects are fantastic! I don't know how exactly you did them, but it looks quite a lot like pastel handcoloring of silver prints: an art i admire but can't do worth a darn ;) Nice moment in this shot... but the shadows are a bit too deep for my taste. Beautiful nonetheless


    Exposure seems quite off on this one -- the snow isn't white, the black is too dark. Way too much dirty snow taking up too much central space as well. Also, it feels tilted to the left a touch. Not your strongest.


    i must admit the the composition is growing on me... a little. It still feels slightly haphazard .. like you didn't know exactly how you wanted to display the scene in the final image. The printing, however, is some of your best. Keep up the good work and post more!

    Paul Morrissey

    This is an excellent portrait - The coat he is wearing detracts a bit .. a tad too commercial. But great work! VU is one of my favorites .. and i'm listening to VU+Nico right now ;)
  2. I've already communicated this to Dennis ... but i thought i'd also post here to save a bit of face ;) my original comment does remain valid, imo, when the picture is seen on its own. But once one sees the photo essay this shot is from (do go see it at dennis' site: dwho.com) it takes on a whole new meaning ... and becomes quite spectacular. More to you Dennis -- great work again!! (Sorry this comment is so late in coming!)
  3. My favorite building and church in Russia (And i visited A LOT of them) and perhaps my most favorite location in the world. Did you get to go inside on the tour? Simply marvelous -- the history behind this cathedral is fascinating ... in fact there are 8 separate chapels that make up the whole of St. Basil's. Lovely!

    War victim


    Congrats, Geert, on this being selected POW. I must agree with doug burgess'

    comment of earlier, where he agrees that this is a great pic but not without fault -- i

    don't think there is much that i could add to that. Great work, and congratulations

    Hall 1

    Very nice architecture folder - i particularly like those that contain curves (as opposed to straight lines). You've done great work with the curved shapes -- these images are much more appealing to me. good work


    I will agree that the first one is the one i prefer - the context is great, much like sally mann. BTW - can i bum some of this golden light? beautiful portfolio
  4. I don't particularly like the busy background on the right hand side of the image. Of course, i don't know what the church looks like in person, so i most obviously cannot recommend how to recompose the shot from here, but rather can only suggest that more simplicity is called for imo. She is also too central. --- With a potentially powerful scene such as this, i think direct and simple can prove the most effective method for creating the mood you want. I think getting closer to the woman (if possible) would also help create a more definitive and substantial image.
  5. Good stuff - but i think the horizon is tiltling a bit to the left. Also, the flare/haze, primarily in the first few waves, annoys the heck out of me. Perhaps a bit of underexposure at time of exposure would have helped this a bit. Beautiful work all around


    I like this little series - very dreary due to the overcast and underexposure. Needs some work compositionally and in tones (dreary, but too dreary?) Still, good work
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