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Image Comments posted by david_dunham



    great action shot. perfect capture of movement. the foot curling up behind her head is a great detail. the lines of the railing add a sense of movement, and the window adds interest.


    obviously a good dancer in the making, as well.



    I have looked at some of your holocaust photographs.

    looking at these images, I can just imagine the German guards seeing the gates of Hell for the first time....and looking like this.


    If I had gone to these places to make photos, I would have nightmares.



    If I didn't know what this was, it would probably seem to me a good perspective shot.


    Knowing what I know about the holocaust, this is bleak and stark. I can imagine seeing this entrance to hell on a cold winter's day. So my objectivity is probably off a bit.


    Think what this would look like if you had shot it in IR!

    Katie A


    First of all, a beautiful model. I like the pose and her expression.


    and now the constructive criticism:


    my first impression of this image is that it was shot with an on-camera flash, probably softened somewhat. As a candid, it is marvelous.


    The detail that first caught my eye was the harsh shadow on the left side of her nose. that could be mitigated by a slight turn of the head, or better yet, some fill lighting on that side.


    I also think that I would have backed up a little. It looks just slightly washed out on my screen, but not enough to mar the image.


    Overall, a pretty good image.



    Standing on the edge of this pond, imagining the sounds of battle

    long ago...this peaceful scene was once a place of terrible carnage

    in what is considered to be the bloodiest battle of the Civil War.


    This collage covers a little over 180 degrees. Please tell me what

    you think.



    I read the post on one of your others that said that this was your first attempt at portraiture. good work.


    Wondering...what are you using for a backdrop on this one? I can't tell quite what it is, but I want one.



    this is a real attention grabber for me. a crop that I don't see often! this is very dynamic, good lighting.


    This image also strikes me as a little disturbing. I am imagining a large print of this hung over someone's fireplace. it would give me nightmares! The face just seems to loom in space, just watching and waiting.


    Looked at another way, the subject seems lost in thought, or maybe working studiously at some task.


    No matter how you look at it, it is thought provoking and grabs your attention.


    I like it.



    I am assuming this is an image for promotional use, right? I like the use of the flowers and the bible. However, my first impression of this image was just the bible. It took a few seconds before the bride caught my attention.


    If I were to make this image, I would use the bible and flowers but I would use white lace instead of black. I would move the bible farther down the image so that it doesn't dominate the image.


    I think I would also blur out the bible in the foreground so that the goblet would be the focus of the image.


    And finally, I would use a different bride, or maybe a couple in the goblet. this bride looks like someone stuck her in a goblet and she's not happy about it.


    overall, I would say you are headed in the right direction. this image shows creativity. practice makes perfect (and I am still practicing myself).


    you need to use a little fill, or maybe a reflector on her right side. the catchlights look as though you are using an umbrella. a fill will eliminate the bruise-like shadow on her cheek.



    Gee that sure is a large tupperware container!


    Actually, a cute photo. shows good interaction between them. a photo you will treasure when they are older. (I am assuming these are your kids.)

  1. this just strikes me as an album cover. maybe for some classical pianist turned heavy metal or gothic?


    reminds me a little of Rush "Permanent Waves" album art for some reason.


    Someone said the piano was backwards? seems to fit the image, in my opinion.


    I like it.

    Cat and Flute


    Looks like the cat took a few minutes away from practice. ;)


    If you are the ONLY one tone deaf in your house...........sad, sad, sad.


    Kidding aside, the only gripe I have is the out of focus flute.

  2. Nicely done, young lady. The nice thing about photography is that you can take pictures of anything that interests you. If someone likes it or does not like it is not important.


    Keep taking pictures, Laura. Take pictures, read books, study in school, and keep putting your pictures on here. You will learn and become better.


    I will check back here from time to time. I want to see some more of your pictures.


    Dad, keep encouraging this young lady. I will bet you are as proud of her as I am of my kids.



    I found this one after I looked at one of your other images. maybe you are deliberately overexposing (this is an artistic decision and yours to make)? If I were shooting this, I would feather the light so that the model is just lit by the center of the light but the sheet is lit by the edges of the light. the sheet is reflective enough to properly expose just from light reflecting around the room. it will take some tweaking to get it right. I would use a softbox, myself.


    The hands are the other big issue. the way they are posed her fingers look amputated. Unless you are trying to make a statement about your model, a woman's hands are best posed in a graceful feminine fashion. her left hand is especially uncomplimentary because of the way the veins stick out.


    You have a beautiful model and you have the potential here to produce some stunning images.


    I read in your profile that you have been at this for about a year. I have been for about two years, and like yourself, still have much to learn. keep at it. you are headed in the right direction, I think.





    this picture is great. I would imagine that the two girls almost cried when they saw it.


    as for the crooked tooth, I think the girl is beautiful. everyone has imperfections and that is what makes us human. there is an essential element of beauty to be found in imperfections. otherwise, why do we admire portraits of old people? what is the beauty in wrinkles and decrepitude? it is that elusive something that we manage to capture that goes beyond surface beauty.


    In this image, the girl on the left is equally pretty, but she doesn't stand out as much simply because she DOES appear flawless.


    Shoot people and capture their unique beauty. Don't skip over people just because they have a tooth a little crooked. when you can make the plain look exceptional, and the ugly look profound, you have done something. (obviously this is a comment meant for others.)


    the expression appears genuine, she is beautifully lit, and the picture tells the story even without the caption.


    May that I should do so well.



    Love the composition. the triangular light pattern is great. the lightpost sets it off perfectly. the man sitting on the very end gives a feeling of imbalance and tension because it seems as if the bench might upend at any moment.


    were you just walking by, see this scene, and thought AHA!!!


    I would imagine that the light was fleeting and this was a grab shot. I hate it when I see them and then they are gone before I can catch them.


    very thought provoking.

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