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Posts posted by sue_choi

  1. <p>Thank you guys for all your quick responses! It sounds like UV filter indeed is the most suspect in causing ghosting here. At the time, everything was happening quickly so I really didn't have time to even think about the uv filter. But as soon as I saw the image on my computer, I was like, doh! I was trying to shoot it without flash, though, to create more of a moody shot. I think an reinactment is in order for my practice and I'm sure my daughter won't object to it one bit!</p>
  2. <p>Hi everyone,<br>

    My very first post. I took this picture of my daughter's birthday cake and it has really bad reflections (? I don't know what to call it) across the photo and her face. Is this caused by a UV filter I had on or what? I was using Canon T2i I own + 50mm f1.2 lens I rented. Settin was 1/160, f2, ISO 800. I tried to get rid of the bright spots in Lightroom. It worked OK except the ones on her face are really hard to get rid of. So I would really appreciate help on 1)how not to get these annoying spots, and 2)how to get rid of them now that I do have them. <br>

    Here is the link to the photo http://www.flickr.com/photos/73613410@N04/8247950519/in/photostream<br>

    Thank you!</p>


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