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michael comerford

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Posts posted by michael comerford

  1. <HR WIDTH="95%" SIZE="3"><p>


    Funnily enough I only just found the Full Body project a few hours ago - thanks so much for the info.


    It's amazing me somewhat (and it's very sad too) that I can't find quality tasteful full bodied nudes very easily, unless I want crass porn (not appropriate for this client).


    Maybe there's a niche out there . . . . .









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  2. <HR WIDTH="95%" SIZE="3"><p>


    It's more for the subject to help her choose what she'd like to see hanging on her wall. I agree wholeheartedly that following anothers work, or trying to recreate it, is not an option, and once we do get out there on the 15th Nov I know that it will be predominantly me and what I can see through the lens that will make the difference. <P>

    Getting her to that point is the task at hand ! <P>Re using Rubens as a search tool, I tried that however most of his work was indoors (at least I've not been able to locate anything significant outdoors) and has not met with great approval unfortunately.<P>









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  3. <HR WIDTH="95%" SIZE="3"><P>

    Hi everyone, and thanks for having a read !<P>


    I'm a budding semi-pro living in the Blue Mountains of NSW, Australia, and I'm

    looking for some tasteful suggestions regarding nude poses.<P>


    Specifically I'm looking for some nice inspiration for a slightly larger lady in

    her late 30's, and better yet she'd like her photography done outside in the

    Great Australian bush.<P>


    I've shot studio nudes for younger/slimmer women, and there are millions of

    options out there to take inspiration from, however anything for the larger

    frame is generally cheap porn, and that is <b>not</b> what the client is after.

    Elegant / Tasteful / Natural imagery is the brief. She's a genuinely lovely

    lady which wonderful features (face, hair, body dimensions etc.)<P>In fact she

    is somewhat like Katty Starshine, a resident here at Photo.net.<P>


    The intended shoot zone will have a bit of everything - a slow moving

    creek/river/lagoon with a sandy beach, a short distance away are cliff-top views

    out over a valley, and of course the sort of scrubby bush that is so prevalent

    here in Australia.<P>


    Serious suggestions only please - I'm looking for either suggestions or links to

    examples of <i>fine art</i> larger lady nudes. Rubenesque would be wonderful !<p>


    Thanks in advance for your gracious assistance. <p>








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  4. <hr><p>

    Desiree,<p>The SB-800 is a superb flash unit with the setup that you have. I've been running an SB-800 for two years, starting on a D70 and now on a D80 and I think very high;y of the unit.<p>

    Wireless SB-800 can be done using the command mode on the camera as the flash. I've used it a few times and it can be quite effective if you are in a single location, however moving around a house of a garden taking photos of people in different locations it will probably be a little fussy to work with - you want to be quick and painless with your clients, who will easily get bored if you are constantly trying to the get the flashes working effectively.<p>


    The 50mm is a very good idea, though don't worry about that for the short term - the lighting is more important and you have the reange with your current equipment. I have found that using a prime (I also have a 50mm, for portraiture in a diverse environment (such as a garden) can be far too restrictive, unless you can run it on a seperate body. The ability to pull back and get the extra person on the edge of a group shot can be critical when doing family portraiture.<p>Good Luck !<p>









  5. Hi Everyone. I'm trying to track down anyone who had a parent or

    grandparent who was a member of the <b>Leica Post Portfolio</b>.

    <p><p>This was a group of Leica enthusiasts in England immediately

    before WWII who used to exchange photographs to crituque eachothers

    work. My grandfather, Percy Comerford, was heavily involved in this

    group through until 1940/41 when Liverpool was bombed and he was

    forced to relocate. <p><p>

    Percy later went on to found the Hove Camera Company, in Hove on the

    South coast of England, which apparently is still a going concern



    Ultimately I am trying to find some examples of my Grandfathers work.

    He was a keen amateur before the war, and did professional

    portraiture afterwards as a side line to the Hove Camera Company.


    If anyone has any information, or can suggest anywhere else that I

    might look, please email me at solphotos@optusnet.com.au.



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