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Image Comments posted by misterken

  1. the diagonal of the rust colored grape leaves makes for a strong composition. Having a trace of clouds in a deep blue sky helps. It would be interesting to see an interpretation that uses more muted tones. I leave a shot from a trip to the Napa wine country in 2005.


    Mister Ken

  2. The Blue Angels in San Francisco during Fleet Week 2007. The action was fast and this

    capture partly serendipitous; my attention was gratefully diverted from attempts to shoot

    events above my head to this solo pilot skimming just above the water. the turbulence of the

    shock wave of the exhaust propelled an aqueous spray that tracked the jet as it raced along

    its course. I got off six shots over a 4S interval and the action was over... for a moment only.

  3. It's been awhile. Thank you, Andrea, for the opportunity to MaNipUlate!


    The rose is from the Sakai Brothers Rose Nursery, now abandoned and scheduled for redevelopment. Roses, as this one, still grow unattended some 4 years after the nursery closed. For those interested in more photos and the history see http://www.flickr.com/photos/misterken/collections/72157601204251503/.


    Mister Ken




    If you have not attended a Special Olympics event and get the opportunity, go. This is what

    sports is all about, or should be.

  4. Today the "back gate" to my workplace was opened - it was closed because of the crash and

    burn on the MacArthur freeway in Oakland, CA. The gap left from the 3000 degree (F) fire is

    still there and will take some time (months?) to repair. Here, exposed trusses show an artistic

    side not intended in the original design.

    Ghiga HK

    Hi Ghiga - This is great! The BW treatment works well and the angled framing line puts more emphasis on your cat's eye. I think the eye in the center is part of why this image works so well. It is clearly what draws you in without anything else in the image competing with it; everytime I even try to move my vision right or left it bounces right back to the eye! It also works that the cat is not looking directly at you.

    Engine No. 2


    Thanks for the input, D.B. I have some others closer in using wide angle. This one was for the lead-in image to a series I've posted at BCC Field Trip to Niles Canyon Railway 20th Anniversary   070315 and for that I wanted the 'big' scene.


    Mister Ken


    High and Dry


    Certainly not a photo I'd get in my backyard. You did well with the juxtaposition of car and boat, D.B. One wonders about the mechanisms of forces that brought them together this way.


    Mister Ken

    Engine No. 2


    Engine No. 2, aka Quincy, is Quincy Railway Engine No. 2, a 90 year old steam engine now

    making runs in Niles Canyon, near Fremont, CA. The Niles Canyon Railway runs trains

    between the hamlet of Niles to Sunol. For more information on the Niles Canyon Railway see


  5. Mountain View Cemetery was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted (he also designed New York

    Central Park) as a 226 acre garden cemetery. It is worth a photographer's time to visit if you

    are in Oakland, Ca with history, art, and architecture. PS used to clone out a headstone in

    partial view behind the oak.

  6. Thanks Pnina and Andrew.


    Pnina - My daughter is in Grenoble right now and taking statistics classes in French as part of a "year abroad program." She took a Flamenco dance class as one of her electives last term.


    The Queen Mary II departed San Francisco Bay faster than it entered. but the big question was

    "How fast?" To find out, I took two images as the QM2 approached and then passed beyond

    the Golden Gate Bridge. From the time stamp and the estimated distance elapsed (from its

    length of 1132 feet) - 18 mph.

  8. Oh boy! Just finished reading Dan Simmon's 'Children of the Night.' This should have been on the cover.

    The blue toning gives it just the right amount of dramatic somberness (which the title tells me is exactly what you wanted.)


    Mister Ken


    Nice series, David. I think this particular image has the pictorial edge over the others, though Sean makes a good point about contrast separation between ducks and background.
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