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Posts posted by alex_halbrook

  1. I have been wanting to get a 24mm for some time and would like some

    oppinions on the matter. The lenses within my budget are the 24 2.8

    and the 24 2, sadly not the 24 1.4L. Are there any noticeable

    differences between the two non L 24's in regard to optical results?

    Which one focuses closer? I would be using it mostly for general

    shooting like on vacations as well as some still landscape type work.

    Thanks for your time, Alex

  2. I was just curious if any of you out there photograph snakes? I love

    photographing them, as well as other scaly creatures. This cold

    weather has made me hugry for the first day when I can find some and

    run off some frames. Also if you do photograph them, do you have any

    pics you would care to share? Thanks Alex

  3. My friend has an F-1 oldstyle which has a problem. The aperture ring

    (the one in the meter which moves when you adjust the aperture ring

    on the lens)is stuck at the top of the meter window. What is wrong?

    I have tried to duplicate this with mine but can only get the "ring"

    to dissapear by removing it while the DOF preview is engaged. Thanks

    for the responses, Alex

  4. My EOS 1's quick control dial is not working nor is the locking

    mechanism that is used to turn it on and off. i did take it out into

    the rain last weekend but it worked fine while I was shooting

    yesterday but when I got home, the lever was really loose and the

    quick control dial was not controlling anything it usually does

    (aperture in M, and exposure comp. in AV and TV). Has anyone had this

    happen? Can this be fixed? Thanks Alex

  5. I have an EOS 1 whith booster which gets in the way when I use the 180 3.5L macro on my 3030G head. I fix this by simply mounting the whole combo backwards so that the controls for the head are now facing away from me. Its awkward and takes some time to ge used to but it works. Alex
  6. Does anyone have any information on the Canon FD 85-300 4.5? I just

    picked one up last weekend and cannot find any information about it.

    Is it a good lens? (I wont get my slides back untill later). Is it

    rare? How much is it worth? Thanks for the information, Alex

  7. I have an EOS 1 and was wondering what flash I should get for it.

    Right now I use a 420ez and some of the pics I get are overexposed by

    a considerable amount. I had an EOS A2 and the flash exposure was ok

    most of the time but the 1 is older and not as sophisticated in the

    flash dept. Does anyone have or know of any tricks they use to obtain

    proper exposure? I plan on running tests soon anyway with whatever

    flash I get. Thanks Alex

  8. I would say yes. A friend and I were once out photographing frogs in a flooded field and it began to rain, and rain, and RAIN. We were soaked since we had'nt any raincoats but my friends 1v held up without a glitch for the whole time. Even though it is highly water resistant (not submergeable) I would still recomend drying it as soon as possible. I was using an F1 original and it worked flawlessly also=) I just had to take it appart and dry it thoroughly. What you put it through though is ultimately up to you.
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