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Image Comments posted by danielkekesi1


    I like it a lot, although you achieved the look by pushing the color temp well into the 7-8000K range (or further). It does not subtract anything from it's artistic value at all, though.


    This is a top-notch ad photo for a speaker company (I'd try to sell it to one of them... really). When I first saw it the following title got to me: "Not only sounds good... also looks sexy". The composition is using the diagonals and perspective cleverly. Good use of wide-angle lens. Fantastic.



    A magyar oldalon is lᴴam mᲠa k鰥t 鳠ott is nagyon tetszett. ֲ�l�k, hogy nemzetk�zi szinten is megm鲥ted magad... :)

    Gratulᬯk a felv鴥lhez!



    Gratulᬯk a k鰨ez, Zsolt. Nagyon hatᳯs 鳠a tᬡl᳠is remek. Studi�ban k鳺�lt? ɲdekelne, hogy milyen f鮹eket haszn᬴ᬠa bevil᧭t᳨oz!


    Kellemes �nnepeket!

  1. ...and took a lot of nice photos of the site, but when I saw this image my jaw dropped. This is unreal. Like taken on another planet.

    Maybe the only thing that could improve it is to have the whole pool of the old Geysir in the picture. But it is just nitpicking.

    Excellent composition, colors, clouds and scenery. Only those who have seen it in person know how great this image is.

    7/7 for me, of course!

  2. El�sz�r, amikor meglá´´am, egyb�l az ugrott be, hogy é® má² já²´am itt. Aztá® meglá´´am, hogy ki ké³ºí´¥tte a ké°¥t é³ r᪶ttem, hogy lehet, hogy t鮹leg...

    ֲ�l�k, hogy a magyar "csapat" is egyre el�kel�bb helyen van a nemzetk�zi rangl鴲ᮮ Hajrᬠcsak í§¹ tovᢢ.




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