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kathy hunt photo

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Posts posted by kathy hunt photo

  1. <p>I love my 7s, but its large size and heavy weight prevent me from using it as much as I would like. I tried a Konica Auto S2, but didn't like the "feel" of it for some reason, so I resold it. I also have the Minoltina AL-s (luckily I found it with a working selenium meter) and I love that camera...nice and small and I've gotten great results with it. I've recently been itching for something small like the Minoltina, but with and option for automatic settings. I picked up a Canonet QL17 and love the results I've gotten thus far with it. Now I've managed to find a 7sII at a thrift store, so I'm tinkering with it. Considering the similar features to the QL17 and the (from what I've read) superior glass, if I can get it working properly, I'll sell the QL17 and keep the 7sII. </p>
  2. <p>You know I just received one of these off eBay and was tinkering with it after I pulled it out of the box. I've read that one should never set the self timer without knowing how long the camera has been sitting unused, as it can jam and render the camera completely useless. Do I listen? Of course not, I slid the lever while I was cleaning it up, not even thinking. Then when I pressed the shutter to check it, nothing. After tinkering for a while, I moved the aperture ring off of the "A" setting and pressed the shutter. The timer started moving, albeit slowly, but it was going! I guess the timer doesn't work when the camera is in the A setting. But at least it's a lesson learned...I'm not touching that timer again ;-) </p>
  3. <p>This is a really old question, but others may be searching for information on Pearl River TLR's so here's my input. I have the model that will do either 12 or 16 exposures on a roll. There is a lever in the middle of the rear door that slides up and down, when it's down, metal numbers 12 and 16 show up in the circular windows, when you slide the lever up, you see the red windows with the frame number. When at the beginning of the roll, wind until you see the number one. I sometimes miss the one, so to be safe, I'll just wind on until I see the 2. If you have this model, you need the internal mask if you want to do the 16 exposures, otherwise, you'll have your frames running into each other. </p>
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