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Image Comments posted by maxyme_grenier_delisle



    Hehe ca m'a prit du temps pour trouver c'était quoi. C'est bon.


    Si c'était moi, j'aurais croppé le coté gauche, pour enlever encore plus de repère visuel.

  1. C'est interessant, mais je doit avouer que j'ai un peu de misère à trouver le point d'interêt... Je trouve que la bicyclette est un peu trop discrète. Selon moi, elle aurait du être sois enlevé, ou mis plus en évidence.

    Joshua tree view


    I think it depends. In this photo for exemple, the little tree become the subject, even if it's part of the paysage. But somtimes, i like when there's no subject and the picture is creating interesting shapes/color patterns. So i guess that you don't always need a subject.

    Anyway i'm just an amateur photograph giving my opinion...

    Great pic btw.

  2. I like the compostition of this pic a lot, but i think that it would have been better a bit darker. The bricks in the wall are a bit to soft, and the ground is way to bright. It would have been so great if we could have seen the cracks on the ground.


    Here's an exemple with the brightness a bit lower (i wasn't able to recreate the cracks on the ground though...).

    Remember, you should (most of the time) have a black pixel in your picture. In this one, the darkest gray is around 20,20,20.

  3. After hard thinking, i prefer the color one. Most of the time i prefer b&w, but this time, the rusty fence with the dead leaf, it's just great. I think that it bring a meaning to have 2 elements in contradiction (industrial/nature) that are the same color. It creates a desolate ambiance. I would have been even stronger without the turquoise bridge and the green trees in the back.

    The Missing


    This picture is very interesting.

    I like the symmetry and opposition of the detail in the water vs the lack of details in the sky. This is a very creative shot. The framing add a lot too.

    Like some said before me, this is the kind of picture i'd like on my walls.

  4. I agree. there's something that catch my attention in this pic. i would say that the way the feet are place seems unatural and it's like if the person is nervous about something. i like how it express something and not showing any faces...

    maybe it's just me though.

    Sans issue.


    The contrast of this picture have been highly modified in photoshop. I'd like to know if someone could give me hints on how to get a natural high contrast. I use a digital cam, so i cannot do it while devlopping the picture.

    Are there any filters/settings that i should know or try?

    I hope to hear from you.


  5. I usualy like borders, but this one, i don't like very much. I think borders are made to bring the attention to the picture by adding contrast with the picutre. So i think it would have been better with a black or white border. The other thing i don't like, is the title of the picture and the info/your name all at the same place. Personnaly i prefer putting it at 2 different places.

    I hope you're taking this as a constructive comment... I really like the picture btw.

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