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Image Comments posted by andrew_binder



    I disagree with the whole "responsibility" thing as well. Some fetish? Indeed! I instantly saw this photo as a fetish/fantasy/fashion image, BEFORE I saw Igor's comment. Art would be trite and meaningless if it were all "safe" and "responsible" ( what is responsible being in the eye of the beholder mind you-as we all have different values and opinions)I would loathe to be in a world full of art that played it safe.


    Nicely done!


    I certainly hope you do not stop the self-portraits, they are very compelling and interesting and I think your best work posted on p-net

    Me !

    Nice pic as far as it shows of your obviously beautiful body (though not an interesting picture in any aesthetic/artistic sense) but I would have to agree with Jeff and Amy, it belongs in your profile shot, not in your folder for your work. Course, I don't mind looking at it wherever it is, for obvious reasons!
  1. Jim, what a ridiculous spiteful, trite, petty comment. Look at all his other work here. I don't know about you, but I see a lot of deep dark shadows running throughout. Ever stop to look and think maybe he did it on purpose? Everyone here knows photo 101. Some of us like to go beyond it.


    I agree, only in part. There should be more nudes of every type of person, not just simply "perfectly" shaped women. However I totally disagree with the "12 year old girl" comment. I've known plenty of women who shave or wax, it's not that uncommon actually. So to me it's certainly the representation of a woman.



    "You went thru a lot of work for this but the meaning is not clear"-- Yeah but the ambiguity is what makes it good. I like this one, though I prefer the previous one where the hands come closer to the viewer. There is more of a sense of turmoil. Very good though. I really like a lot of your work so far.


    We are "ONE"


    "Whatever this may be, and appealing though it may be, it is not a photograph, and only some of the standards by which photographs are rated or critiqued apply. I hope there is a place on the Internet for work such as this, but I do not think that photo.net should be it."--- Wait...am I in a time warp or is this still 2003? You have got to be kidding me. Anyone heard of mixed-media...anyone? Anyone heard of PHOTOshop...PHOTO being the key part of the word (funny that I find myself defending all the photoshop users out there when I barely use the program myself).


    The debate as to whether this belongs here or not is such a non-issue to me. I agree with one of the above statements that in regards to that subject, the only thing that matters is whether he used any photographic process at all. But the purists seem to immediately react whenever they see something imaginative or the least bit "painterly" (for lack of a better word). Silly. The arguement as to whether photography can be an expressive art was solved a loooooong time ago.


    Non-debate aside, who cares what it is? It's a great imaginative, expressive, creative image that caught my eye. And it's refreshing to see amidst all the rainbows, flowers and clouds that prevail. Great work!

  2. Hmmm, I suppose the position of the model here invites the silly comments posted here...but c'mon! Anyway, I would have to agree with Toby's comments, wholeheartedly. I don't think this is your best, but I do like it.

    Expecting you.


    Beautiful image and with a bit of humor (in the title). Tempting but I don't want her waiting for me. In response to an above comment, there is no hammer because she is a manifestation of death, not a symbol of the former Soviet Union (at least that is my interpretation, maybe I'm completely wrong).


    Can't see why anyone would see this as the least big vulgar or offensive...just don't get that at all (unless nudity bothers you-in which case maybe one needs to mature pretty rapidly). Very well done. I even like the blind fold.



    I think some people say this because of the fact that you utilize scratching and use allegorical or seemingly allegorical themes. But that is looking just at the superficial and getting hung up on the technique. Your work reminds me of Witkin yes but also reminds me of others (Dave McKean comes to mind). But as such, it is unique, a blending of your tastes. Influences may or may not be there but that does not mean your work looks like theirs. I could tell your images apart from a Witkin image any day, they are very different. I think your work is very unique and is obviously all your own. I think it's silly when people compare someone's work to Witkin instantly just because there is scratching involved as a technique. Witkin is NOT the only person to utilize it after all. It's just a technique, one which he did not create.


    I don't think you have to worry about it, for those stuck on the technique...well they won't be able to get past it. I think, judging from the reactions here, most of us are able to probe deeper and see your very unique expression.

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