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Image Comments posted by chris_horsley

  1. I like that there is max contrast in the shot, rock 'n roll is what I immediately imagened he was playing, the spirit projected by the "the shining" poster in the background does enhance the main point of interest. THat fast film is very fun to use.... thx for a great photo.
  2. It matters because my million dollar leica makes me a better photographer then you. It matters because I can't look at the film u used and tell what format camera is responsible for your foto. It matters because I say it matters. I've never done concert photos but I've heard they're real hard to do and this one turned out well...I hope the band gets a chance to buy this from you. Opps.. I suggested a capitalistic idea bad american BAD!


    For sh*ts and giggles you might want to open up in PS and go +64contrast and -100lightness and stamp out all the hair to the right. It's Funky.It also makes her nose look smaller.Your a pro!
  3. Nice! alot of B&W on PN have a greenish or blueish tone to them this does'nt. Real nice pure black feel.My different types of papers scan different tones I've got to adj in Ps, did you have to do adjustments?

    Carnal games # 1

    The light on her shoulder is a tad bit too bright and I want to see her feet and maybe her butt crack. I don't like the idea of this kind of photo but it is one of the best of it's kind I've ever seen. Some people won't approve of this imagery but it has it's place. How long did this poor model have to hold this pose? I LOVE the veins in her arm and the muscles on her back, such a nice touch. I love and hate this photo. My 2cents.


    I really like this photo. Can you make a rough edge border to mimick the wings?It's to bad about the branch with leaves covering part of the bird.
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