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me b

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Image Comments posted by me b

    Some egret


    Now this is a dance of the Egrets. And the ridges in the disturbed water under the right middle egret tells me the supporting cast is not happy with his part. :-)

    Another really great capture. 7/7 imho.

    Regards ME B

  1. Another really great capture. I love your pictures of the Great Egrets.
    I'd also love them if you lightened the shots so the gators and the swamp showed just a little. Just a suggestion from an admirer to the master.

    Regards, ME B

  2. I find it hard to believe that no one has commented on this beautiful shot!?!

    If you had released it for rating it would get a 7/7 from me.

    You do birds very well and this one especially well.

    Best Regards, ME B

  3. Just a guess but I'd say it's a self portrait of a reformed hippy not long out of the military and looking around for something constructive to do.

    Kinda reminds me of myself back in the 70s.

    Not great but not a bad shot either.

    Best regards, ME B

  4. Someone better than I will probably tell you several ways to make this shot better. In the process they'll mention the unbroken horizon. To me it's a natural backdrop to a pleasant scene. Good Shot.

    cbay today

    I don't think the human eye could have done a better job of capturing this scene. I love the colors, the clouds, the composition, everything except the thoughtless person that put a building right there. :-) The more I look at it, the less distracting the building becomes. Great capture.

    Rays of light

    I really like the sky and light. The foreground looks hard and sharp, but then it is rock. :-) I rolled it down until only the highest points of the foreground were visible at the bottom of my monitor and liked it even more. really good shot.



    You Did This One RIGHT.

    What higher praise can I give than to say, I would hang this on my wall.

    Really Good.

  5. Stephen Henry, Dave Dise and Gary Woodard, Thank You one and all for three very helpful and very different critiques. The fact that you three gentlemen, unknown to me before now, offered the critiques you did in the order that you did is just short of amazing.

    Stephen, Your technical expertise and advice serves to keep me grounded and reminds me that there are things in photography that I often forget, ignore or overlook during both the capture and processing phases. These are things that I need to be mindful of as I pursue my idea of a good photo. Your critique, being the first one also served to prevent my head from swelling just a little as I read Dave’s critique. I’d like to see more of your work.

    Dave, Your critique was spot on as to why I put the camera to my eye for this shot. With millions of cameras in use and billions of photos taken every few hours I’m not in competition with anyone for “The Unique Shot". I am simply trying to capture the available light at this spot in time because it pleases me. The fact that it pleases you makes me very happy. I have accomplished what I set out to do. If this hobby ever becomes a job, I will probably retire quickly. Your critique being the second one for this photo served to lessen the sting of Stephens critique even thought he couldn’t know that the rule of thirds was more of an accident on my part than an intention in this shot. I simply walked up till it looked the way I wanted to capture it, adjusted the aperture so the oil rigs on the horizon would show a little and took the shot. I really like your work. I wish I could get birds and butterflies to sit still long enough for me to do them justice. If your Desert Beauty photos were oil paintings, my desert photos would be pale pastels in comparison. I intend to post some of them as soon as my real job, my volunteer job and my family job will allow me the time.

    Gary, I agree whole heartedly, “Two excellent critiques.” Having read all three critiques and viewed the work of all three photographers I am duly impressed with yours and Dave’s work. Both of you have a lot of photos that are similar to ones I have taken. The fact that yours and Dave’s are, in my humble opinion, much better than mine sets the bar much higher than I had anticipated when I came back to Photo Net a couple of weeks ago. Your advice on technique strikes at the heart of something I have worried with for a month now. I have recently started using Photoshop CS8 to process my photos and I’m not happy with the results. I am a long way from mastering the software and I believe I am literally over processing the photos trying to achieve what you described. I will try it tonight. Achieving the level of your work is a goal I feel worthy of pursuit and I extend an open invitation to comment constructively on any of my work anytime. I also have a folder of Magnolias that I shot several years ago. I'll see if I can find them out and post some of them. I've never been employed for my secretarial skills.

    Thanks to all of you for sharing.

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