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Image Comments posted by verdellnazgul

  1. John this photo would draw the viewer in so much better if you had her in the spot of light that is illuminating her shoulder. I know sometimes good lighting doesn't present itself but the story you are trying to tell would be much clearer if she weren't in the shadows.





    Nice shot. At first I thought the wood to the right was too much but after looking at it for a while I found I was drawn in to the room with the character of the lady's face. Great reading of her though my eyes do get drawn to the highlights to the right first.





    Nice shot. At first I thought the wood to the right was too much but after looking at it for a while I found I was drawn in to the room with the character of the lady's face. Great reading of her though my eyes do get drawn to the highlights to the right first.





    Larry, you are pretty underexposed here. What are you wanting to do with the lighting? It's pretty even but that means no drama....flat. You might increase the ratio a little bit for more depth to their faces but that may not be what the customer or you want. You didn't ask for posing critique but I would try to avoid having her knees straight at the camera or that flat back of her hand either. I like the pose a lot except for the knees but though they have good smiles and appear happy together, try his right hand in the location it is in now but just slightly cupping her arm or shoulder for a little bit more connection between the two.





    I realize that you can have little choice in the matter when photographing things like this but a couple of changes could take this from being ordinary to a more interesting photo. A more shallow depth of field, the bee being a little sharper, use a longer lens, and more of a side view.







    I'd say she does look devious in this image. I like the look of her left eye and the slight twist of her lips. I do have some issues with it however. A higher angle would be more flattering to her I believe but I don't know if it would maintain her "look." In a "classic" portrait her nose would not intersect the line of her cheek and skin would be visible on the far side of her right eye. As it is the light scheme seems to enhance the size of her right cheek which is distracting. It seems to loom. Maybe more of a profile or more of a 3/4...one way or the other? It seems to be caught in the middle.

  2. Barry F seemed put out that he could discern no reason for the boundaries of the light. I can't see why this would bother anyone. It could be any number of things such as a tightly knit canopy focussing the rays or even cloud cover doing the same. Why let something which can have a plausible explanation spoil it? Why not accept it as a great catch?
  3. The obscene crop suggested takes the picture down a notch from splendid to merely splen. My eyes went from the experience of searching through the depth of the wonderful delicate fingers of the forest to looking at an ugly amputated stump of a hand.

    bailey's eyes


    No ps except for bw conversion and crop. 50mm shot at 1/30 and

    f1.4. In retrospect I should have ps'ed out the white piping on her

    colar. Comments?





  4. I like this shot. The child in the foreground being in the shade makes him look like the shadow of the child with the toy at first glance...a good illusion to me. Pretty good exposure under difficult lighting conditions. Only drawback for me is the bright reflection over the closer child's head. I'd like to see that removed.





    The bride's head is almost dead center in the shot. Bring the POV down a little and show more of the boardwalk leading up to her. Also...it would be a little more flattering if she was angled a little sideways. Take a few more seconds and pose the maids a little more completely as well. The shot is a good idea...take more care to execute it fully.



  5. I think in this case it would be more becoming of her to have the rest of the top of her head in it. Maybe it's the horizontal crop or the intensity of the fabric but I think it would be greatly improved with more of her showing.



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