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Posts posted by verdellnazgul

  1. Rocky,


    You got a couple of partial answers. If you are going to have them printed at a lab then check with them. Mine requires that I send them sRGB so I shoot in sRGB so I don't have to add a step in the processing. You can shoot in Adobe and convert to sRGB but not the other way around but I never have a use for the wider gamut as the prints won't show it. I just always shoot in sRGB.



  2. If you want to sell any of these shots the color will have to be on so at a minimum I would suggest a monitor that can be calibrated and the appropriate software. That in addition the the other advice you ahve received. Unless you send your stuff out to be corrected by a do it all lab.



  3. Vince, the ones I use don't protect from blowing highlights by underexposing. Especially by 1.5 stops. Have you checked this particular camera to make sure the previous owner didn't leave it at a - compensation? Press the +/- button just in back of the shutter release and check the lcd to see what it shows. Also, what kind of shooting conditions were you in? How many times have you shot with it? I'm much more prone to underexpose in auto in bright mid afternoon conditions with a lot of highlights in the composition. Meters will naturally underexpose in conditions like these as they try to tone down the bright light areas to grey tones as they are designed to do.



  4. Cool show Fernando....good photography as well. Which Flash software did you use for this. I'm looking to make simple shows like this that aren't .exe oriented. I have Pro Show and pic2exe but am looking to buy flash.



  5. Thanks for the topic Mary. I meant to say that long after the beginning the experiences keep happening. This past week I had a laptop, D1x, etc set up in the sound room overlooking the sanctuary. Bride and father head down the isle and I head around the corner to go up. The door is locked. I had it propped open but the sound guy shut it on his way up. He could not hear me beating on the door but several folks in the back of the church could!
  6. A friend of mine recommended me to a friend of hers. "He takes pictures" is pretty much what she told her and that's pretty much what I did. Flowers, dogs, bugs, kids, and a few bike races all just for the heck of it. My qualifying credentials were "Hey, my dad was a photographer in the Navy." No idea what to charge. The only wedding I'd even been to in my life was my own. I call local photographers and tell them "I'm getting married...what do you charge?" just to get an idea what to ask for. I talk with the parents and charge $700 including an album. Brides father talks me down to $300 with no album, just give them the negs and I buy the film. He was in a wheel chair and his wife kept poor mouthing. No idea what it's going to cost me. This is 1992ish. I take a tripod, a flash, about 15 rolls of assorted film (mostly chrome and some tri x as "hey, that's what Dad shot!) and a body as that's all I have. While taking shots at the altar I tilt the camera verticle on the tripod and it falls off and lands on the flash and breaks it off at the wheel lock. There's only about 3 darn lights in the entire church and it is DARK in there. The rest of the shoot will be outside at night at a plantation about 45 minutes away. My whole head gets hot. I've never thrown up or fainted in my whole life but I swear I had to re-chew my lunch to keep it down right there. I am cooked! I pick up the camera and excuse myself. "Back in a minute!" I say and walk calmly out, greatly belying my unbelievable inner turmoil.


    I run the 4 redlights between there and the camera shop. I'd have been thrown in jail just for the speed I coaxed out of my old ragged out BMW. I sprint in to the shop just before closing time. I yell for one of the guys I know for help. He looks at me and knows what's up. He takes the flash and goes in the back. I get another guy to ring up a new $350 speedlight and am ready to hand him a credit card in case the other dude can't fix mine. He comes out with it repaired in about 5 minutes! Holy cow! I sprint out the door yelling I'll straighten out the repair fee later. Run the same 4 lights back to the church. Sprint to the door. Take a few breaths. Open door and walk down the isle. Was gone about 25 minutes. Apologize a lot. Finish out the day. Stare longingly at alcohol at reception. I never drink.


    Tell my friend about it later. She says "only 300 bucks? That guy is one of the top defense lawyers in the state!!!"


    Pictures came out fine. I thought about trying mind altering drugs for a long time after.



  7. If the 70 is like the more expensive D cameras then all you do is use the round control pad on the back of the camera body. The up/down direction will scroll back and forth through the pics and the left/right will scroll through the histogram, details, blown highlights, normal views of the image. You should also be able to use the menu to choose which views of the pics are available such as you should be able to turn the histogram off so you don't see it if you scroll right or left on the image.



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