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Posts posted by cliff_krauter

  1. Can anyone tell me how to compensate for the underexposure caused by

    taking shot's with high light intensity, e.g Sunsets. Take a look

    this photo http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?

    photo_id=1381567&size=lg In this shot I was aiming for sillouettes

    of the foreground, but is there anyway to take brilliant, intense

    sky shot's while maintaining the color and intensity of the

    sourrounding scenery at the same time? Please keep in mind I'm only

    a novice, but I'd like to learn. Can anyone shed some light on this?

    (forgive the pun)

  2. well, Beleive it or not I chose this digital camera becasue it has specific aperature control....so Im not worried aboutt he light...good adive about camera shake though...but I realize this is the trade off for a high power zoom, what I'm asking is if there will be any loss in the quality of picture meaning sharpness? I dont' see why there would be
  3. Hey, I've been taking alot of shots with my new Fugi 3800 recently.

    It's a great camera in terms of picture quality and you can't beat

    it's mobility. What I would like to do is buy the telephoto lens

    adapter for it and I have a question. The lens this camera is built

    with is a 6x optical, which is equivilent to 38-228 zoom. what can I

    expect from a 2x telephoto lens attachment? I'm unsure of the

    results I will get

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