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Image Comments posted by alexa_bell

    In the wood...

    When I looked at this photo, I definitely thought crime-scene, but that is not necessarily a bad thing (although it wasn't your aim). It is still a beautiful photo, crime-scene or not. Sally Mann has a book out called "What Remains" that features photos of crime scenes, and death and decay, and although are quite unsettling, are beautiful as well.


    I love this photo's surreal and mysterious quality, and the darkening sky above gives it an ominous feel! It is my favorite of yours. P.S. I agree, I would prefer to see some added room at the top too.
  1. I really do like this photo. I like how there is an element of tension, and grace at the same time. I was surprised when I saw this here because I saw this same photo on usefilm this morning!


    This photo would be better if it was cropped in closer (the empty space on the left is unnecessary) and if the highlights were burned in slightly. Otherwise, good portrait.


    I like this photo because of the monochromatic tones and the angle of the model. However, I would work on the scan, because there are dust marks all over it.
  2. I love the way the shoreline goes into a point and fades into the horizon. I like the juxtaposition of the two figures. This photo expresses lonliness, contemplation, the ties that bind, as well as separate families. Well done.


    Ummm...I like some of your other work, such as "Patricia" and "Country Road." But in my opinion, this photo doesn't work. The eye is totally separated from the grid...maybe it would work better if you blended the two separate objects to make a whole...connect them in some way. Perhaps crop the eye closer, soften the edges, use some blending modes. Also, what is this picture trying to convey? Some questions you may want to ask yourself are: What is the eye watching? What kind of feeling is one supposed to get when viewing this picture? How are the two pieces of the puzzle (the eye and the background) connected? What sort of mood are you trying to convey?

    "Sweet Ella"

    Ok, I can see why a lot of people find this photo cheesy, but it's a good kind of cheesy. I like the pose, the expression and I even like the vignetting around it. In the consumer world, there is a large market for these kind of child photos, and I agree, most are downright nauseating in their cheesiness, but others (while a select few) are done pretty well. I think this is one of those.
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