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Posts posted by john_belmer

  1. Enjoy your stay there. I went a lot of times to Peru, Bolivia & Ecuador.


    It's a great place to make photos, just make sure you have you poleriser filter on the camera in the mountains. I saw a lot of washed out foto's because people forgot to use the filter.


    The advise about not getting in the taxis on the street in Lima are stupid, I went zillion times with the taxis in Lima, and especially during the day it's save to use them. Expect about 4-8 ($1.5 - $2.5) soles for a taxidrive in Lima, in the other places it's cheaper, about 2-4 soles. If you want to wast money because the taxidriver needs to give the Hotel also a cut in the taximoney, be my guest, but it is not needed during the day.... DO TAKE a legal taxi at night from the airport to your hotel, they might first ask $50,- but they will lower the price to 30 soles ($8,-) if you know a bit spanisch (how better your spanisch, the lower the price)


    BUT DO WATCH OUT FOR Zorros (thieves) on the street, Carry your passport and money in a moneybelt which can be weared under your clothes... I saw a lot of tourist with moneybelts over the clothes, this might be handy but also very stupid.


    My Lowepro Minitracker I never checked in, it always goes into the overhead.


    About the security of the hotel, that depends on the Hotel, but the security is a lot saver then I saw in other countries...


    Stil do realize an hotel assistent in Lima often only makes $100,- a month in a cheap hotel, and no more then $400,- in a (very) good hotel. Cleaners het paid even less.


    You might want to look to some of my photos of peru: http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?folder_id=260286


    Have fun

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