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Posts posted by bruce_wilcox2

  1. A couple of FF vs. smaller sensor issues for me:


    1) I like the depth-of-field control and viewing angle a fast 50mm lens offers. The 35mm-ish lens I would end up using on a digital camera as an equivalent to a 50mm has more depth-of-field at similar apertures, so I have less control. (Yes, I know that if I move up to medium or large format I'd have even more DOF control, but 35mm offers the best balance of control and portability and I've been really happy with the DOF on my 50mm and 85mm lenses.)


    DOF has become really important to me, and limiting DOF can really add to a photo's effectiveness. Shorter focal lengths for normal and tele lenses seems like a step backward to me.


    2) I love my fast and compact 20mm f2.8 Nikkor. I don't want it to effectively turn into a 30mm (with more distortion than my 35mm Nikkor?), nor do I want to lug around a huge zoom or even a super-wide prime with twice the filter size and smaller aperture to get the same angle of view.


    Because of these I haven't made the switch from film to digital on the camera side. Give me a dSLR that allows me the DOF control that I enjoy now and lets me use small, fast superwides with 52mm or 62mm filters and I'll take the plunge. In the meantime, I'll keep shooting film and scanning the negatives.

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