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Posts posted by keith_smith2

  1. By posting the original question in the Canon FD Forum one could easily guess what the overwhelming response would be... keep the FD gear.




    Yes, it is expensive to go into the store and buy one of each all at once. Not many hobbyist could take that kind of hit. A little delay of gratification does wonders for the soul. I still get a temporary numbness when opening a brand new lens, in a brand new box. It's crazy but the new smell is awesome, sort of like a new car feeling, a brief temporary numbness followed by a deep breath and then the rush to get that baby attached to the camera and start shooting with instant results!



    As a hobbyist, you will come to appreciate the immediate image. Besides instant satisfaction, it could help you become more creative. An example would be playing with the exposure to change the look of the water surface at a rocky creek or a dam. You can immediately see what you captured and make any necessary adjustments.


    I thought and pondered about going EF with a Canon 1v just for the auto focus while still having film. My wife, a bean counter, broke it down for me one day in dollar amounts, the cost of film, processing and shipping versus digital. Eventually depending on how much you shoot, you will hit the break-even point and start saving money. And once you get the fever, you may find yourself shooting more than you did before going digital. In less than 10 months, I have shot over 10,000 images. Of course, I have not printed everyone, but it didn't cost me an extra $3,136.00. (10,000 images divided by 36 = 277 rolls of film divided by 20 (rolls in a package) = 14 packages (rounded up from 13.8) x $224 per package = $3136.00 (Based on a twenty package of Fuji RVP 135-36 Velvia 50 at $124.00 per package from BH Photo plus a very conservative $5.00 per roll for processing bringing the total per package cost of $224.00.)


    Canon 5D $2540.00

    50mm f1.4 $ 310.00 70-200mm f2.8L $1700.00

    135mm f2.0L $ 900.00 24-70mm f2.8L $1139.00

    200mm f2.8L $ 660.00 24-105mm f4 L $1060.00

    580ex II flash $410.00


    The above prices are from BH Photo, which also has the 5D with 24-105mm f4 L for $3330.00. This is a good starting point that does not break the bank, compared to buying a total replacement of your FD gear. Please note that I do not work for BH Photo. I use them because of the excellent service and I save money on tax.


    As for the tech jargon, SRAW, JPEG, White balance, there are many, many sites with EOS forums that have people willing to explain everything and make life easy.


    As for my old FD gear, I still have it and actually, in the Spring, I had my cameras cleaned and resealed. I still enjoy using them, but don?t use them often. Most importantly, I will NEVER get rid of them.


    One more thought regarding the example I used with the water surface. I found the exposure I liked using the 5D, took the 5D off the tripod replaced it with my A1 set the exposure and poof! Cheating, maybe to some.


    Wow, I guess my .02cents turned into a nickel.

  2. I went and bought a 30D with the 24-105 f/4 and the 580ex flash. So far so

    good. I am a very happy camper! (Still keeping my old Canon gear:)


    Can I get a little feedback on the Mack warranty? I did a search and most of

    the posting were old and negative. I have a few weeks to buy this warranty

    and I am wondering if it's a scam or really worth while?

  3. My computer is fairly new and should be alright, Pentium D. My budget for the camera body should has a cap of $2000. I also have $2000 set for a flash and lens, maybe the 24-105L. Then slowly, I will build up my collection.


    The crop factor... hmmm, I have lots of feelings regarding the crop factor. I don't really care for it, which tends to push me to the 1V or 5D. The price of the 5D is too high for me. Right now I am feeling that I should get the 1V and wait for a digital model to come out that I can afford that has a full sensor

  4. I have used and still use a Canon AE1 and a Canon A1. These are very old

    cameras and still produce excellent photos. However, I need to jump into the

    autofocus world. My original thought was to get a Canon 1v. Then I thought I

    would save big money by only producing the photos that I want if I were to get

    a digital body versus a whole roll of film using the 1v.


    I would appreciate any views regarding the following thoughts.


    * Regarding going digital, the thought of upgrading every other year or model

    really bothers me, considering that I have had the Ae1 and A1 for many years.

    This tends to push me to getting the 1v.


    * My biggest fear with digital is that I am not a techo person. I see all

    these fascinating images and they all have been somehow enhanced, cropped or

    whatever is is that gets done with the computer programs. I have no desire to

    do this but have been told that I will once I try it. Bottom line, the

    thought scares me. So I guess my question is this, can a non-techo person get

    by with a Canon digital?


    * I read the article on the homepage regarding the 20D 30D 5D and the Nikon

    200. Now I am really confused. I don't have one particular subject matter.

    I shoot vacations, my family, sporting events, barns, trains, flowers and

    anything that I feel like shooting. My old equipment includes the A1, Ae1, 35-

    105, 80-200L, 85L, 50 1.4, 28 f2, 20, (all canon) and a Kiron 105Macro. I

    will be looking at trying to eventually end up with a collection that

    parallels my FD collection. Should I go with the 1V or jump into the 21st

    century and try Digital, if so which model? I don't want to use up a

    salesmans' time and thought the experience from this forum will better guide

    my decesion. Thanks.

  5. I would like to purchase a real macro lens. I have searched the

    macro posts on this site and have decided on any of these three that

    seem to always get great reviews, Kiron 90mm, Vivitar series 1 and

    Canon 100mm. My problem is that I always get outbidded on that one

    site, at the last minute too! Anyway, I came across the Phoenix

    100mm Macro with adapter, brand new for just under $100.00U.S. I

    then found this:





    I also learned that Phoenix is just a marketing company for the U.S.

    and that the company that makes this product, makes the same thing

    that Vivitar sells.

    Is anyone familiar with this lens, and if so is it recomended or not?

    Or perhaps I should save some more coins and make a healthier bid

    for a Kiron or Canon macro?

  6. Gregory,


    First of all, I'm sure your not a jerk and I'll be happy to share my thoughts.


    My statement "I can't imagine what the response to the slugish FD market would have been" is pretty straight and forward. If the movie would have shown a F1 camera with nice bright, white letters reading "Canon" and "F1" how many high school aged students would be getting mommy and daddys money and going on Ebay, buying the FD equipment. How many adults that have these old digital cameras, that they don't use, and bought when they first came out would say to themselves "hey I have an old Canon in the attic maybe I'll take it out for a run" and then get back into it and start shopping for more FD equipment? Would the price on everything go up a little or skyrocket? --My statement was just a thought, that's all, just a big what if... Just to see what the response is from other FD users.


    Now for your second question, "What is there to embrace?"


    In Jan 02, the stock for Marvel, the company that ownes Spiderman, was trading at just under $4.00 per share. On Friday, 24 Oct 2003, the stock closed at $27.32. I don't know how much money the movie made, or is still making, but I do know that in the second week of May 02, the movie had just finished it's second week in the #1 spot with a total of $223Million. As Dave posted, think of how many Joe/Janes would walk into the camera store and say "I want one like Sipderman." In my opinion, which with a $1.54 gets me a large cup of coffee at Dunkin Donuts, Canon missed a prime synergy opportunity to have there name thrown around in a mega-blockbuster, which I think was geared to 12-30 age group. Canon, Canon, Canon, Canon "what kind of a camera would you like Joey? ...Humm


    Now your last question "What does Canon have to gain by letting people know there old camera was in a movie?


    One word: MONEY!


    The way I see it is that somebody dropped the ball on big time exposure, no pun intended. These are my thoughts. You asked, I gave. Later.

  7. Spending some quality bonding time with my son, I saw the movie

    Spiderman. I noticed what I thought was the main character, Peter,

    using a Canon F1, but the namebrand "Canon" was somehow removed or

    covered up.

    What is this all about? Does Canon still have the F1 copyright and

    if so wouldn't it make sense to have the Canon name thrown all over

    on what was a hit movie. I can't imagine what the response to the

    slughish FD market would have been. (Low prices are still to my

    benefit.) Especially, since there is a big "retro" style move taking



    Was I seeing things right, Spiderman using a Canon F1 or was it some

    other camera and what is wrong with Canon, the company, for not

    embracing this?

  8. I have been trying to use the Depth of Field Preview button on my

    Canon A-1 and I can't tell a difference of the image that I see

    before I press the button and when I press the button. Should I be

    able to see any noticable difference?

    Is there something else that I should be doing along with just

    pressing the button?


  9. Mark,


    Thank you. When I listed the question, I failed to include another lens 28mm 2.0. Is it ok to use such a filter on a wide angle lens?


    By the way, many months ago, I asked on the site what the difference was between the 28mm 2.8 and 28mm 2.0. You recommended that I get the 2.0 if I find a deal. Found one in excellent shape for $105.00 including shipping. Love it and still learning how to use it.



  10. First of all I have checked the archives and the "beginners -

    filter" section on this site and can not find an answer to my



    What is the difference between a "Circular" and "linear" polarizer

    and which one should I get? I will use it on a 50mm 1.4, 80-200mm

    4.0, and a 28mm 2.0. It is all Canon going on a Canon A-1.


    The pretty girl at Ritz camer didn't have a clue of what I was

    asking. Hopefully someone can help me.


    One more thing, is it ok to use it on the 28mm?

  11. I would like to get a tele-photo lens, at least 300mm. I've priced

    used at some photoshops, VERY expensive, on E**y with better prices,

    but I have a question regarding some "New" lenses.

    I have come accross "Kalimar" "Samyang" and "Soligor" and "Vivitar"

    as being advertised as brand new lenses. Can this be true and if so

    is the new quality as good as a twenty year old Canon lens.

    While I'm thinking of it, can anyone explain a "Mirror Lens?"

    Any recomendations on which way to go will be greatly appreciated.


  12. This regards a Canon A-1: When looking through the viewfinder,

    should the entire image that I see be produced on the photograph? I

    have been taking some close-up photos and have noticed that the top

    portion is not the same as I remembered seeing in the viewfinder.

    It is missing a protion of the image. I am just a beginner, but I

    have spent the last few months really enjoying how to use this

    camera and have been experimenting, reading, learning and

    experimenting. Is there a general rule of thumb to be followed

    regarding the veiwfinder image?

  13. Frist, thanks to those that have replied. I have received a few e-

    mails stating that I should have listed the camera. So...

    The cord will connect a Canon A1 to a dedicated flash (Promaster

    5700) on some type of bracket. (Considering a Stroboframe made for

    35mm cameras)


    Sorry for not including this information earlier.

  14. I read in this site under the "Learn" section about not having the

    flash mounted on top of the camera. I gave it some thought and

    decided I would buy a low end stroboframe bracket $39.99 and raise

    my flash. However, the salesperson told me that the cord I would

    need is no loger made, so I didn't make the purchase. Any other

    suggestions on how to raise the flash or how to deal with the cord

    situation without spending the money for a 533g flash?

  15. First of all, I don't intend to offend anyone by posting this

    question on this forum. I was given an AE-1 by my father when I was

    in high school, I'm now thirtysomething, and still have it, along

    with an A-1 and don't plan on getting rid of either one. I would

    like some advice on getting a scanner to scan negitives and slides.

    I am interested being able to send the photos to this site so that I

    may receive some recommendations on how to improve my photography

    and send them via email. (people we meet on vacation with whom we

    may have photographed each other or family and friends) I am also

    interested in doing some touch up work (Photoshop Elements or

    Microsoft Picture It) - I have many photos from my military days I

    would like to touch up and reproduce.


    I recently went to an large electronics store and explained my

    position and the high school saleperson either didn't speak English

    or had hadn't woke up becaue he dind't try to help me, but rather

    tried to talk me into a digital camera. I then went to a large

    photo store and the clerk showed me a few models but couldn't

    explain the features very well. (The person familier with scanners

    was off work the day I visited.) I ask this forum for help because

    I don't want to be told to dump my FD and go digital or go to an

    AF. Thanks in advance! -Don't want to spend over $450.00


    Didn't mean to ramble, sorry.

  16. Please explain the difference between the 28mm 2.0 and 28mm 2.8?

    There seems to be a significant price difference, is it worth it? I

    was contemplating either 24 or 28, based on a recommendation of

    getting awide angle lens and have looked into both and think the

    28mm will suit my needs without too much possibilty of distortion.

    (Based on what I have read.) Thanks in advance.

    -Either one I choose, I will keep for for a loooong time and learn

    to use it to it's full potential.

  17. First of all, Thanks to everyone for such a great site. -Just found

    it and I really enjoy it.

    -In '85 my father gave me his AE-1. It's traveled w/me throughout

    the military and never failed me. Only had and used the 50mm 1.4.

    In 92, I inherited my fathers' A-1 with a 50mm f1.4 and a 80-200

    f4. Lost interest due to college and future wife. Have now

    regained interest and took both cameras to a shop for an

    inspection. Told saleman I was planning to take photos of my child

    and he tried to sell me a 85mm f.1.8 ($290.00) Told him I would

    think about it, didn't want to make a quick decision. I have since

    looked into the 85mm beast and found a there are diferent models.

    1. Can anyone please explain these differences to me in simple

    English? (85mm f1.8SSC, 85mm f1.2L, 85mm F2.8SF, 85mm f1.8)

    2. Is this lens needed and/or worth the money or was he hoping for

    a quick sale on emotions related to my child?

    3. While I'm here a ProMaster 5500 is a flash that I was told "I

    needed to have." Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!!

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