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Image Comments posted by kentr

    The Gallery


    yeah, this image is alot of fun to look at. in thumbnail form, i was (pleasingly) confused about the upper-righthand corner, thinking that it was bright sky, adding to the inside/outside interplay. i keep finding more things that pique my mind: the broken geometry, the contrast of rectangles vs more organic patterns, the in and out of the wires, the various shades of white....


    two things i'd suggest: try cropping the bottom up into the doorknob plate, just to maintain the tension that you've got around the other edges, and maybe try removing the color cast from that top right corner to see if it increases that confusion i mentioned above.



    this picture was taken in january, during a short stay in a village in

    rural haiti. i am currently trying to compose a series of portraits

    from that visit, and would appreciate your response to this image, and

    the portfolio in general.



    this picture was taken in january, during a short stay in a village in

    rural haiti. i am currently trying to compose a series of portraits

    from that visit, and would appreciate your response to this image, and

    the portfolio in general.


    what a perspective! as a photographer, i wonder how you got access? as a viewer, i am delighting in the details. i like to see how the people present at this event organize themselves in relationship to the action...to speculate about the roles of the people standing around the ring...even to wonder why a seemingly temporary boxing venue has been set up on such a decorative floor. with such teasers in mind, i hope that there is much more resolution to be had in the original. a large scale, high detail presentation of this image might be on par with a photo by andreas gursky ($$$$).

    that said, the creative color scheme is lost on me. by offering us this view of a boxing match, you have deemphasized the fight and redirected our attention to the surrounding scene. why not desaturate the boxers and give us the crowd in full spectrum?

    L'Anse, UP


    i hope you won't mind me saying, but i think this picture interests me more than almost any other in your portfolio. it seems like a well-realized attempt to describe a rather ordinary place, and the girl on the scooter gives me a narrative thread to play with. i imagine that details not apparent here, shapes of leaves for instance, would serve to make a print of this image very rewarding for interested viewers.


    as for possible imrovements, i might prefer to have less sky and more foreground. the tilt of the signpost and utility poles is a little distracting for me, and the central portion of the sky seems to have been overexposed anyway.



    this picture was taken in january, during a short stay in a village in rural haiti. i am currently

    trying to compose a series of portraits from that visit, and would appreciate your response to

    this image, and the portfolio in general.

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