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Image Comments posted by rrohan

    little kiss

    Very cool, whimsical photo. Good work. But I wonder what you are getting at by leaving a bit of blue in the sky. Seem a bit distracting from the subject.

    Red Dragon Fly


    Found along the stony banks of the Li River near Yangshou.


    I combined three photos to get sharp focus along the dragonfly's body.

    I was wondering if I should have also done the wings that way too.


    This shot is very well executed, with good sharpness and contrast. However I do not find much interest in your foreground subject, and the mountains in the background seem small when placed with it. I'd crop off the bottom (and maybe do a slight rotation to level your horizon) and focus this photo on the mountains and clouds.


    Most expertly made. Love the dewdrops. Might consider a little cropping (halfway to wingtip) on right to pull it a bit more off center, but great sharpness and color.


    I wonder if this could be cropped down from the left and bottom to help focus more on the water spray effect, which seems to be the main point of interest in the photo.


    I can understand Razi's comment about the perspective of the left side being off, but I did not pick this up myself on first glance and I think mentally took it to be the unevenness of the wall itself. Not sure I would change this. Great shot.
  1. Thanks for the good comments you made to my photos. I still consider myself an amature photographer and don't seem to photograph much year round. I however do it avidly during vacation.


    A little more on this photo...


    I was not able to book the Inka Trail (instead I did a trek in the Lares Valley which was in an other area), so I had to take a train to Aquas Caliente (the nearby town) and then early in the morning took the first bus to Machu Picchu. The bus took the switchback road you see to the left of this picture.


    Normally, when you see shots of Machu Picchu, you see it from the other side. In fact, I am surprised you don't see more of this side of Machu Picchu given the number of tourist that wait in line at the far side of the site to trek further up Wayna Picchu.


    If your familiar with most shots of Machu Picchu you will normally get an angle that shows the steep hill of Wayna Picchu in the background. This photo and that of other photos of this angle are from near the top of Wayna Picchu.


    The line in Machu Picchu is because they want you to sign in the time you venture forth from that point. I guess they worry that you won't make it back (you sign out later). The trail is well marked though. Murderous steps up the mountain, but at least there are steps (though a bit crude). There are side tracks up the other middle hill (in the far right of this picture). Both Wayna Picchu and (I forget the name) the middle hill both have ruins on it. A very cool short cave with carved in steps leading out beyond this point leading up to the top of the peak. The Ruins up there are interesting but not as much as the view to Machu Picchu and are also not as photogenic.


    From the top you can go beyond to the far side, where the Temple of the Moon and the Gran Cavaran are then you go back around to this side of the hill and back down to Machu Picchu. I had little energy to go much further after that. I did not make it to the Temple of the Sun on the mountain crest above this photo.


    More photos at http://rikkers.fotki.com/peru-2007/ if you are interested.


    I took the trip as a tour, using www.gapadventures.com. Very good trip (except going immediately up to Puno when you live near sea level--got altitude sick). The guided trip was great otherwise. We had a good tour guide (Monica), and some additional good area guides for each region we visited. They did a good job of everything. Not a stodgy old person bus tour, but a youthful small number (6 person) tour. But I survived it at 44 (in spite of altitude sickness).

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