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Posts posted by matt_sanders

  1. I have the lens, and I believe the noise is normal- it means the IS is on and working. And the jumping in the viewfinder is the IS in action, (if you wave the camera from side to side while focusing it should do that) I'd say no worries. It's truly an AMAZING lens. -Matt
  2. My 70-200 2.8 IS lens won't get on the proper aperture, it says 00

    and sometimes starts at 2.5 and the image stabilization always

    flickers. When my Elan 7e is off and i press down the shutter release

    button the image stabilization just moves from side to side. I dont

    understand why it wont work and I have never dropped it or anything

    and now it just wont work.

    I bought the lens from B&H and have had it for about 2 months now.

    If you have any ideas to what the problem is or if if you think I

    should take it to a local camera shop and have them check it out?

    Thanks, -Matt

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