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Image Comments posted by drdreas

  1. I like the model's expression, I like the framing, although I think this photo suffers in the lighting department. The light is a little bit harsh to me, and I think a reflector held slightly below and the the left (the model's left) of the face would have given more flattering light. Also, the direct light is highlighting the link on the jacket, which is a bit distracting. Very nice otherwise.

    Mountain Goats

    I'm sorry, its too photoshopped for me. The masking is painfully obvious at the edges of the goats, and the background is so unatural that it does not compliment the subjects. Hope this doesn't sound too harsh.. maybe you'd like to post the original photo so we can havea look.
  2. Beautiful photo, as all the others have said. One thing that caught my attention, is that you can still see the outline of the sun through the wings of the bird. Is this because the light is actually passing though the wings partially, or is it an artifact of another phenomenon?


    In any case, I do not wish this to berate the photo in any way, I am simply curious.


    Nice shot, but I believe it is underexposed. I would try to expose so that the white squares are actually white, then bump up the contrast with the black squares.

    Getting Closer

    This is an example of why I keep browsing the photo.net galleries. I can not find one thing I would change. So emotive, I am sure it yields a strong response from each viewer. Technically perfect. This is why I love photography. Thanks for sharing it.
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