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Posts posted by lissahatcher

  1. I went in serch of an answer to my own question and found I could help with someone elses ...who would have thought? I have a Nikon D2X just upgraded from a D100. Back to the question :) I have a 28-105 Nikon lens and is it my favorit lens! I sold my Tamron lenses I found them to be of lesser quality and my work suffered for it...Just my oppinion. Almost all my images in my portfolio were shot with my 28-105 , it's just that cool! Hope that helps.
  2. I thought at one time if you left a rating of 1 you had to give

    feedback. Did we do away with this? I feel very strongly about this

    with the new enmity given to raters I think this is only fair. How

    else do we learn? Example....http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?


  3. Just something I have noticed since I have been here and was curious

    if there was anyone else out there .....

    I notice some photos getting many , feedbacks , ratings ....

    while others just don't . I have been happy with my photonet feedback

    but just recently it has all but stopped . I have been talking to a

    few others on this site and wonder ..... how do you get more

    feedback ? Why is it that two photographs that are like in my mind

    are rated drasticly different say one has 22 ratings 5.6/6 and the

    other 2 with a 6/7... I would like to hear back from you guys on

    this .....

  4. I seams to have affected like 7 or 8 pictures, I took most of them off .It moved things from other folders say "Smile" put it over "taking a walk" and left a copy of "smile" in the color folder ...I dont know what happened to be truthful . Like I said I have not posted anything new ,I have not moved anything ...until I took most of the infected ones out and moved three that I wantd to save to my single folder hoping to keep the problem from spreading .... Thanks for trying to help if anyone one wants to view the problem its in my single photo folder .
  5. I am having a problem with my pictures moving from folder to folder

    and laying themselves over others .... I have not put any new ones on

    and they do not respond to "edit Photo info" and in fact while I was

    checking to see how many it had happened to the problem got worse ...

    Please help !! I dont want to have to take all those pictures off and

    redo them I will lose all the feedback and ratings I have earned .


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