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Image Comments posted by david_pichevin

    White Fire Tools


    This is very nice to look at and I can see how it would make a great print on some fine art paper, and would be pretty impressive then.


    I do feel that this technique is becoming a bit gimmicky as people are starting to overuse it, like they did in the past with awful IR photography, and that "grunge" technique that people use on portraits to try and make them interesting without having to make any effort in composition or set up. It will pass.


    However, I really like to look at your antique shop photos and it's probably the type of shots for which this technique is perfect, unlike those shots with the super fake sky, and as long as we don't forget that contrast is nice too :) The colors make me think of the CF Payne illustrations on the back of the Reader's Digest :)

  1. De la part d'un Francais aux US, merci pour le bout de nostalgie! J'aime beaucoup la photo. C'est tout a fait le type de photo qui me pousse a cliquer sur l'icone pour en voir plus. Bravo pour la composition et la tonalite, belle capture!
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