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Image Comments posted by thomas5



    I agree that it's a little hard to focus on the model, but I'd bet on paper this is amazing.




    You're so cool, Chris.


    What kind of film (specifically) are you using? Is this on slide film?


    You're very brave to have your camera out on a day that looks as windy as that. I think that this reminds me a lot of what it's really like to be on a sailboat. Well done.


    I have always loved shots like this. There's something funny about that many birds sitting on wires. You have to wonder if they ever get tired of it. Anyway, this is a great capture and it's fun. Good job!

    a girl


    I don't usually get to take pictures of people, so I'm always fascinated by them.



    This one is interesting because my eye is drawn to her open mouth and voluminous eyes. There's something that's very "little girl" about the photo but very "grown up" about her pose. The juxtaposition of the feelings and ideas is well executed. Nicely done.

    Infinite Buses

    The real problem is that I have to wait for all of them before I can go home to go to the bathroom! There's nothing worse than being caught behind a schoolbus... except being caught behind this many of them. Well done!
  1. Did you handhold for this or was the camera on a tripod? Do you remember the aperture and shutter speed? I like this shot. The lines all converge on Jordan. The darkness at the edges culminates into the brightness around him.



    "...An' I'm tired of bein' told when to go to bed, an' bein' told that I can't have dessert, an' havin' to sit in the corner..."


    This is great. Was it posed or was this just a shot you happened on?


    How do you get the birds to cooperate? I've been looking for a shot similar to this for a long time. When I see it, I haven't got a camera. Well done!
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