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Image Comments posted by melvin2

    In Balance

    I agree with you John regarding the face, I would have liked a much clearer view. If you take Photographs of (live ) butterflies im sure you will understand they almost always disregard the fact that you wish them to keep still for a second to take a decent shot and seem a little camera shy. I will however keep trying and I thank you for the comments.

    Lone Rower


    This Photograph was taken just outside of Oxford. I was taking an

    early morning walk alone, along the bank of the river Thames when i

    saw in the distance a lone rower. I waited for the rower to reach me

    to take the shot (hand held). It seemed like forever for the rower to

    reach me but it left a remarcable memory of the swishing sound of

    oars dipping into water and the stillness of the air.I enjoyed taking

    it and was pleased with the result.

  1. I welcome any recomendations and comments regarding my work. I am new at this and this is my first time on here showing some of my Photographs. Please give me honest comments that i can use to enhance my Photography which is something I love to do. Thank you


    Melvin J Adams Atkins


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