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kevin m.

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Posts posted by kevin m.

  1. "I cannot believe I had to read so far down the page before the phrase "people skills"

    appeared. I've lost count of the number of photographers I've met that were so damn proud

    of their kit, their technical knowledge, their p/p wizardry, the whole deal, and yet look at

    their results and it is plain to see that the vital thing missing is any kind of rapport at all with

    the actual living people they are supposed to be working for. "


    This is the best post I've read on this forum in over a year.

  2. For godssake, will someone quit "testing" the damned thing and go take some pictures that

    are worth looking at? If this camera produces images that are "clearly special" (quote from

    the Leica User Forum) is it only the camera owner who can see them, or can you share them

    with the rest of the world? C'mon, already! ;-)

  3. "It also seemed to have a color rendition that was warm and, seemingly at least, pretty

    accurate with what I saw with the naked eye."


    I agree. The Summilux tends to be 'warmer' than other 50's I've used, but it looks more

    'natural' too.


    "I am also starting to think that the bokeh is also a little smoother and the image a tad

    sharper in the center of the 'lux than the 'cron."


    I think the center appears sharper in the Summilux partly because the corners are so much

    softer, especially if you're shooting wide open, whereas the Summicron maintains its

    sharpness out to the corners fairly uniformly, even wide open. The Summicron is also a

    much contrastier lens than the Summilux wide open.


    I prefer the Summilux over the Summicron because I think it's a better 'people' lens. It has

    more than enough resolution for my needs, and isn't so contrasty that I need to 'fix' the

    skin in every shot.


    Here's a recent shot wide open on Fuji NPH. Full frame, straight from the scanner with

    only a mild unsharp mask applied. The composition is boring, but I was doing a little lens

    'test' to help me thin out my rangedfinder herd. ;-)


    <center><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/5247549-lg.jpg"></center>

  4. I didn't know there were three versions of the Black Summilux, but I could be wrong. The two

    versions I'm aware of are the early one with 43mm filters, 1 meter close focus and the clip on

    hood; and the second version with 46mm filters, .7 meter close focus and built-in hood.


    The early version is usually a couple hundred dollars cheaper than the newer, and it might be

    easier to find one of those with a bit of wear on it to keep the price down. Make sure you

    can live with the 1 meter close focus, though. ;-)

  5. I've recently tried out a 40mm Voigtlander Nokton SC and I'm pleased with the image quality, but the

    focus is so stiff as to be nearly unuseable. Searching the archives, I see I have the first version of this lens

    with the screws visible on the focusing cam.


    Can this lens be fixed to make the focusing smooth, or does the "version 2" work any better?

  6. Wow! Another M8 sux/the sky is falling on Leica thread. We haven't had one of those in,

    what, ten minutes.


    Someone page Al and Brad so they can supply yet another Jerry Springer moment and this'll

    be another thread for the archives. ;-)

  7. Before the camera was introduced I was hopeful that Leica could pull off something special

    with the M8. I based that on the quality of the imagery I'd seen from the DMR, in particular

    the dynamic range. But problems aside, I have yet to see any pics taken with the M8 that

    look at all "special." In point of fact, everyone I've seen looks like a rather pedestrian digital

    snap shot. I hope that this problem with the M8 proves to be solveable, but I'll be damned if

    I'll pay 5k for a camera that delivers results that look so run-of-the-mill.

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