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Image Comments posted by calarrick

  1. It is a very nice picture... in fact, the 'intended' moment (looking back over) would have worked less well with the lighting and low contrast to set the very evocative mood of this shot --- sometimes, serendipity is a great thing.


    As for the lag, assuming you are already pre-focused (so we are only talking about the half-to-full-press lag) there isn't much you can do but to anticipate what what your subject is about to do... A lot of practice with the particular camera, so that you body sort of unconsciously adapts to the timing, helps. In fact, even with an SLR you'll have to do this some, because there is 'lag' (though vastly shorter than that of most digicams) in the camera (mirror clearing, etc) and even in your body's reaction time.


    Again, I like a lot of the details of the shot *a lot* -- the placement of the car with headlights on the street, the softening effect from shooting into the sun and the fact that it is more pronounced near the top of the frame, with the effect of softening the background. It has a great mood and feel.


    Certainly one of the best "kitten pictures" I've ever seen. You did nail the decisive moment, certainly -- and you got it "moody" instead of "cutesey" too!
  2. Thanks for the comments above! Bill, the 'amount blue' is something I have thought about -- as a starting point, this is very close to (actually very slightly less blue than) the slide it was scanned from, which I think I remember as being pretty close to a literal rendition of what it 'really looked like' to be there.


    I very much want it to be blue-tinged glacial ice 'white', not 'black-and-white film' white, but you might be right that it would be worth playing with the saturation. From trying to balance the scan, I know that if it is *too* blue it is hard to keep the sense of the luminosity of even this shaded ice.

    Dog in snow

    Oh! This is nice. Conveys so much of the moment - chill in the air, sense of the woods -- makes me want to see what the dog does next (it looks like it has paused to catch a scent in the air).


    I love it. Only negatives would be that I think the steam coming out on the right and the darker cloud on the far left are distracting from the simplicity of the shapes, but probably were unavoidable.
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