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Posts posted by henry_cheng3

  1. <p>this pedophiliaphobia is completely out of hand. we should start mandating burkas for kids. after all, if photos of fully clothed children in public can be suspect, we have to assume that any adult who so much as glimpses a kid might be getting off! it is simply not safe for children to be seen so don't let the munchkins in public without their shrouds! adopting the burka for children would mean that proud parents could then feel free to photograph their lovelies anywhere and anytime, without arousing any unwanted attention. of course it would be helpful to put names prominently on the burkas for identification. wait, what if there are pedophiles with a fetish for kids in burkas? never mind. </p>
  2. <p>I have more camera bags than I will ever admit. Now, I carry a messenger bag and pad my equipment w little neoprene bags or domke wraps inside. "Real" camera bags are often terrible to work out of, look silly, are way overpadded and often don't fit your particular equipment so well anyway. A possible exception is old Domke. Another shortcoming of camera bags is that they rarely accommodate other stuff, like a windbreaker or lunch. I do still use my old battered khaki Billingham Hadley, but leave the insert out. Heavily padded camera bags seem best for taking all your stuff to an event such as a wedding where you can set it down in a corner and retrieve stuff as needed, not for wearing and shooting. If you are walking and shooting, you are best off with a bag that you don't mind wearing, not a specialized camera bag.</p>
  3. <p>have a 3yo kid. have a closetful of nikon lenses from film/hobbyist days. sadly, seem to only shoot the kid now. and out of all those lenses, fixed and zoom, 35/2 w D70 is what i use most. limited depth of field is nice for kid pics. low light capability is good. flash is often distracting and not flattering.</p>
  4. <p>I know this does not address the original question but I am moved to add my 2 cents about the "dangerous" nature of these forums. I feel that the point of a forum is to provide a collegial place for people with particular interests to share ideas and opinions. I am sure that any of us are perfectly capable of looking up reviews and tests but I am interested in hearing/reading about the thoughts/experiences of other enthusiasts. The "self help" suggestions are unhelpful, unnecessary and sometimes rude. If you have no opinions to express then don't bother to respond.<br>

    Never tried a Zeiss, love my Leica 50/2 and came to this thread to see what people thought about Zeiss, as I have been considering some of the Zeiss wide angles. </p>

  5. <p>I have a D70. I have quite a few lenses, including a bunch of manual nikons. For the past 3 yrs my photography shifted to taking pictures of my son- born 3yrs ago : ) Anyway, I have been using an AF 35/2 the most by far. Light, easy to pack and use. Excellent low light capability so that I can often shoot without flash. Very sharp-definitely possible to crop some and still get an excellent print. Possible to limit depth of field by shooting at f2. The zooms have been languishing in the closet with the film bodies. All the best.</p>
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