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Posts posted by cub

  1. Hi everybody,


    I need some feed back from the users of canon eos 10d camera.

    In fact I have lot of problems using AF with my camera, for example,

    my camera most of the time focuses on the background of the picture

    instead of the main subject. It is really ennoying when you do not

    have the time to refocus... I have a lot of blured photos because of

    that, I notice that the main subject is blured while the background

    is perfectly sharp... Can anyone help me ?

    I would be really happy if you could help.

    Thank you.



  2. As a system and network administrator, I can may be help you, that problem is due to the file system on the AOL server, it always arrive when too much files are open at the same time, in order to fix the problem, you will have to allow more files to be open at one time, on linux it is in the /proc/ directory, I have no idea on AOL server... good luck
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