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Image Comments posted by jvs



    This is a very very interesting image. One of the hardest things to create in a viewer is a connection to, and a subtle understanding of, the unseeable vision of the subject's mind. This image does that beautifully. My emotional attraction to the opaque mask of the public face she presents conflicted and contesting with the inner self, her feeling of exposed and vunerable nakedness, and the difference from the public face is a great expression of insecurity and a quest for strength through self knowledge.


    Technically, the mysteriousness, the blurred softness and transparency, the timelessness and the obscurity created by the etched look, the connected but not clear placement, all contributes subtley to draw the viewer into rapport with the creator's vision of the what is happening inside and to this woman. The image explores that, without the technique being the dominant feature we examine. (The image is strong enough that technique supports it. Technique does not substitute for a weak visual message.) The creation of the concept of the private dream is beautifly done.


    I have only one question for Astrid, about the flower. Did you consider printing the flower on her right cheek down a tone or tone and a half, perhaps nearer, but not as dark as, the neck tones? Or perhaps softening the sharpness of the flower? The flower says something important about the girl and is important to her "public face". It needs to contribute. However, it is rather large, sharp and most importantly rather light, drawning the eye of the viewer away from her eyes and expression and creating a dominant visual pull and tension, potentially overbalancing and weakening the dream sequence (lower right) which also says a huge amount about who she is.


    As with everything else you have posted, the image is technically excellent and very mature conceptually. A lot of connectivity to your spirit. Through you people are more intimately aware of their own self and spirit. You have an artist alive and well in you. Don't loose it. Don't compromise.



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