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Posts posted by chris_calabro4

  1. Very nice. Kinda says something about mans struggle with nature as the weed reaches upwards in it quest to evolve into something more meaningful and shed its weedhood. Very deep and thought provocting. Or maybe not. But atleast it is sharp.
  2. Ed, I admire your strong support of Newtonville and mike. And I am understanding of the need to confirm details with Leica in regard to products and rebates.<P> All that being said there was ample opportunity to verify the facts and stock prior to my driving to the store. <P>It is inexcusable to not verify claims you make with authority especially when asked to confirm them several times.<P> I don't hold a grudge against Mike or Newtonville. My problem was with this series of events and what I felt was less than stellar customer service. <P>Based on your comments I am willing to admit it is likely the exception and not the rule. <P>Having said that I would have welcomed the straight poop at any point during the several pre trip calls, the 45 minutes I waited for assistance or even the two follow up calls after I left. <P>It took all that and 24 hours to finally end up with the facts.<P> No matter how you break it down that is poor customer service. <P> The exception probably but the reality none the less.
  3. That is the type of service one would expect given the premium your willing to pay for the equipment. <P>Maureen it sounds like you have had a better experience over the years with Newtonville than I had recently. <P> I undoubtably ran into a situation where a sales guy smelled a sale and was a bit to anxious to say whatever he thought it would take to close it. <P> I have spoken with Rich @ Photo Village on more than one occassion and he seems like a straight shooter.
  4. Ken, Glad to see you enjoying the lens. I love mine and tend to believe that most negative commentary is rooted in the need to justify selling. I think the reason you have seen so many posts from Noct users is that the prices from Hong Kong have dropped to below $1800 new and the gap between a Noct and any other Leica lens is not as great as it may have been in the past. Whatever the reason I like the results your getting and agree with your assessment of the lens.
  5. Ok. I have read the threads and three things seem to jump out.


    #1 Most who have sold lenses tend to swear off the practice as they

    always seem to come back to rebuying the sold lens in the future.


    #2 It is clear that your bag will run 35-90 or 21-90 in range. There

    is no right answer


    #3 That the 50 Noct has a mysterious appeal that causes many to jump

    into the abyss. And is probably the most difficult lens to review due

    to the need to justify your investment.


    So this question is for those who have owned and sold or have owned

    for over one year a Noct 50. We can scramble you name to protect your

    identity allowing you to be truthful about why it worked for you

    after a long period, or why in the end it did not and you sold.


    If you still have the lens after one year how much are you using it?


    If you sold the lens how did you find the market when you decided to


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